he wasnt me

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Hannibal rolled his eyes at seeing iris on the screen Caitlin turned away he pushed a button locking the elevator.
He grabbed Caitlin and kissed her again she kissed back. They began making out he started kissing her neck. She moaned softly. He grabbed her and picked her up hooking her legs around his waist. She felt a hard bulge press against her core. He sat her on a desk and snd started caressing her breasts through her shirt. Her nipples perked up. He reached down between her legs rubbing her through her pants. She moaned again. "Barry stop this is wrong we can't. "Of course we can caitlin. She thought something was off barry had always called her cait. She saw iris on the computer and stopped and unlocked the elevator.
She wondered how it got locked maybe she had accidentally done it when they were making out. She moved away from barry when iris came in and greeted iris in the cortex.
She had no idea she had a hickey on her neck. Iris saw it and looked at caitlin in suprise but shook it off.
Barry walked up later iris proved eddy didn't shoot those cops Hannibal was reaching for a gun in his pocket when wells zapped him with a taser.
"Your correct miss west your fiancee is indeed left handed and this man is right handed. "Oh i knew it said caitlin. Caitlin walked off in embarassment and got the serum she injected it into the unconscious man and cisco and wells locked him up.
Caitlin went to barrys house.
And found him knocked out and tied up and his mouth taped she slapped him and he groaned in pain
For real why did u slap me?
"Because u were unconscious.
"Smelling salts works just as well.
"Im sorry ok we have to go said caitlin. "Bates was here. "Yes i know said caitlin. Barry got up and followed her out. They headed to star labs.
Wells started talking. "Dr snow once again youve done it your serum worked said wells. Its a good job said barry touching her arm.
She flinched away from him.
"Im good theres no need for a hug.
"Um ok sorry he said backing off.
She walked away brushing her hair aside. Barry saw a big dark hickey.
She was in the elevator when barry caught up and joined her. "She backed herself against the wall. Barry locked the door shut. "Barry what are u doing i have to go. "Not till u tell me whats going on did that guy do something to u when he looked like me cait? "Nno of course not. Barry did not believe her. He stares at the hickey on her neck. "Your lying did u know theres a huge hickey on your neck i know u didn't have it there earlier. "Barry just back off and leave it alone she snapped. She opened the elevator and stomped off to the med bay hoping he wouldn't follow she sighed in relief when he didnt cisco and wells had to go get lunch barry didn't go he went to the cortex and typed on the keypad to view the security footage he saw everything Hannibal had done with caitlin she looked like she liked it but why would she they were friends she wasn't into him like that was she?
He turned it off he thought about the hickey on her neck and felt jealousy wash over him and anger along with other mixed emotions. He didn't know what to do. He thought about all the times she had saved him stayed by him cared for him then it dawned on him caitlin loved him and he loved her. He sped to the med bay where she was sitting in a chair listening to music. She jumped up at the sudden woosh. "Barry i told you to drop......
He had a dark look in his eyes he looked her over like Hannibal had he walked up to her till his face was close to hers. "I know he wispered. "Wwhat? "I know what u and Bates did i saw it all on the security camera.
Her face turned pale she backed away.
"Barry please I! "You kissed him back let him touch you u liked it your eyes were closed. "Nno I! "You what you thought it was me cait? "Yes damn it i thought it was u and he kissed me and i liked it okay it turned me on because i thought it was u. He stood in front of her again. He reached out and touched her face. She blushed. He made her look at him he leaned down and kissed her as he expected she kissed back. He pulled back "That was me and that was real Cait he wasn't me. She stayed silent she was in shock the real barry allen had kissed her she bit her lip he stared at her lip wanting to kiss her again he grabbed her waist and pulled her against him.
He bent down and kissed her again. She kissed him back she felt a spark on her lip something that had never happened before to either of them. He picked her up and tossed her on the bed he had her out of her clothes fast he pulled her so her legs were on the edge of the bed and he yanked open his pants letting them drop he yanked his briefs down and grabbed her legs and slammed into her hard. "Ahh Barry oh god yes ahh ahh yes! He put his thumb on her nerves and vibrated it. "Ahhh god ahhh ahhh!
"Come for me cait. Her toes curled up and her eyes rolled back her body shook all over.  He groaned as he found his release he spilled into her. They kissed again. "What just happened here Barry? "Come on cait you and I have always had something between us for years our timing was always off but now our time is perfect I love you cait. She blushed. "I love you too Barry. He smiled. "Barry we should get dressed so no one sees us. "Right allow me. He sped around and they were both re dressed in an instant. And walked out holding hands.

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