love dusted pt 1

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Caitlin snow fixed her hair and makeup and put on the black dress she had hanging in her closet she threw it on and headed to work.
As she came in a meta was running and had her cornered near the elevator.
"Well well what have we here your a pretty one the meta said smirking i could have so much fun with u he said leaning close the names red he said blowing her a kiss a strange sparkling red dust blew in her face she closed her eyes rubbing them in irritation but before she could open them barry had the guy on the ground knocked out and he stood directly in front of her. "Are u ok cait. "Yeah i think so i feel weird i feel hot all over.
Barry touched her arm and she got more flustered and moaned.
"Cait whats wrong? "I dusted her said a voice behind him he turned and the red dust got him too he sneezed then he felt odd. "Wwha what did u do to me asked barry. "I dusted u both with my red dust i call it love potion 9 amazing right its full of pheromones aphrodisiacs and so on it it can heighten feelings someone already has for example hers for u i was trying to dust her to get at her but u interupted us flash fine with me though enjoy your distraction. The guy ran away and barry went to chase him but arms circled his waist he turned and face a flushed looking Caitlin. "Cait are u ok he said rubbing her arms. Her lust darkened eyes looked into his. "Oh yes barry i feel much better now.  She shoved him into a wall and crashed her lips to his he didn't know why but he kissed back and he really liked it soon they were making out.
"Ahem said cisco. "Hey u two wanna cut it out that meta escaped. They didnt listen they went back to kissing .
Cisco kept talking and they ignored him so harry ran in and knocked them both out with tranquilizer darts they both fell to the ground unconscious.
Harry dragged caitlin away cisco dragged barry they locked them in the pipeline in different cells that were next to each other after awhile they both woke up barry woke up and tried over and over to escape but to no avail he got up and saw Caitlin laying in her cell. "Cait cait! She got up and walked to the glass and put her hand on it he put his up to the glass she smiled at him. "Ill get us out of here cait i swear it. "Its ok barry maybe us locked up is for the best i mean we were dusted with something that had us riled up maybe we should let it wear off then see if we still feel like we do at this moment. "Or i can faze into ur cell and take care of u cait. "U cant barry its not possible.
"Anything is possible when you're the impossible dr snow stand back.
He began fazing through and it surprisingly worked he got in and ran to her. She jumped in his arms and they kissed he pressed her body against the wall of her cell even though he was in his suit she felt his hard on he reached down and hiked up her skirt and he ripped off her panties then unzipped the pants of his suit he let them drop at his feet he grabbed her legs wrapping them around his waist then he gripped his length and slid deep into her they both thrusted against each other. "Ahhhh barrrrryyyyy ahhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhh yessssss ahhh goddd. "U like that cait u want more? "Yes yes yes.  He reached down and rubbed her nerves then vibrated his hand.
" Ahhh ahhh fuck barry ohhh goddd screamed caitlin. Her arms were around his neck as he slammed into her harder she bit his shoulder to keep from screaming he groaned and kissed her neck then he bit it and kept going he felt her walls squeeze him hard he vibrated inside of her and kissed her to silence her scream as she came he groaned and spilled deep inside her both of them struggled to breath. After they could move he fixed her skirt and pulled up his pants. "How do u feel he asked?
"Fucking amazing but can u lay me down i cant move yet. "Oh why not?
"Im still coming she said blushing.
"Oh he said blushing he picked her up and layed her on the cot he layed next to her she fell asleep on his chest.

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