Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Brandon’s POV:

 Holy Crap, what am I going to  say when she comes out of the bathroom. This is so awkward. Why can’t I control what comes out of my mouth. She probably is thinking that I am some sort of creep. Just when she was starting to talk to me again. Now she wont ever   talk to me again. The cameras would have enjoyed that, no doubt. Maybe I should just leave, Abby doesn’t need me for the rest of the night. I got up and texted my mum to come pick me up. I thought that it was kind of rude that I left her there all by herself so I texted her saying ‘sorry i had to go, my mum needed help at home.’  

 Brooke’s POV:

 I was sitting on the bathroom floor, too nervous to go out and face Brandon. All of a sudden the door opened. At first I thought it was going to be Brandon, but then I realized that this was the girls bathroom. It was Chloe, “Brooke! What are you doing on the floor?”

 “I’ll tell you later. But can you just do me a favour and tell me if Brandon is out in the dancer’s den” I was hoping he wasn't or else I would never come out of the bathroom, simply because of the awkward conversation that would happen between us. And I hate awkward conversations.

 “No, he wasn’t there.” She sounded pretty curious.

 “Thank God, ok I’ll be going now.” And with that I opened the door and went to my bag. Brandon was nowhere in sight. I dug through my bag and found my iPhone, 1 new text message from Brandon. My heart stopped, what was it going to say. I unlocked my phone and read the message. It said ‘sorry i had to go, my mum needed help at home.’ My heart started pumping again. I didn’t know how to reply to that text so I just said ‘thats fine, i get the maths questions now anyway.’ I put my phone back in my bag and looked back to my maths homework. It was a lie, I had no idea what I was doing. The door to Studio A opened and Abby and Maddie came out.

 “Brooke, have you seen Chloe? I need her for her solo rehearsal.” At that very moment Chloe walked out of the bathroom. “Oh there you are Chloe, i need to start on your solo.” Chloe look very excited, I knew that she liked musical theatre numbers, it has been ages since she has done one. “Brooke, you Paige and your mum can go now, I dont need you anymore tonight. Make sure you are here tomorrow though. Maddie you and Mackenzie can also go.” I was about to offer to do Chloe’s music, but then I remembered that I still had to eat dinner, shower and finish off some homework. Thats when Gia came in the room. “Gianna, just who I needed. Can you help me and Chloe with music?” She simply nodded her head. With that Abby, Gia and Chloe went into Studio A. Maddie and I walked up to the viewing room and told our mum’s that we were dismissed. We all pilled into the car and drove home.


Paige, Mum and I were all sitting at the dinner table eating 2 minute noodles, because mum didn’t have enough time to make proper dinner. It was now 9:30. After I had finished my noodles I went upstairs and had a shower. When I got out of the shower Paige went in. I got changed into my pajamas and started on my english homework. We had to write a short story about whatever we wanted. My story was about a dancer and how she got injured, but she had to dance though the pain. It reminded myself of me. When I was finished with my story it was 10:30. I decided to leave my maths homework uncompleted. I would just copy off one of my friends tomorrow at school. I went to brush my teeth and then I got into bed. After tossing and turning for what seemed like forever I finally settled down into a deep sleep. 

Authors Note: Wow! That was a long day. It is weird to think that 11 chapters creates one day. I will be speeding things up from now on and the story will move a little quicker. xoxox

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