Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Brooke’s POV:

 Today (Friday) at school everything was the same as usual. I saw Brandon a few times, I tried to smile at him, but whenever we locked eye contact, he would just blush and look away. I wanted to talk to him about yesterday, but I didn’t want to do it at school. That would be way too embarrassing for both of us. I decided that I better just talk to him at dance.


I pushed open the door to the Abby Lee Dance Company. “Hey Brookie!” Maddie ran up to hug me.

“Hi Mads.” I smiled at her, we walked into the dancers den together, talking about solos. Somehow the conversation ended up on Brandon.

“You like him, don’t you.” Maddie said, she cheekily laughed. I decided that it would be best if I didn’t answer that. I pulled a stupid face at her and went to the bathroom to get changed. I put on a blue crop-top with matching booty shorts. When I came out of the bathroom, everyone was already here. I went over to talk to Chloe and Paige, they were talking about the trio what part of their dance was their favorite. As if on cue Abby came in.

“Girls and Brandon, today is our last day before the competition tomorrow. I want everything looking perfect. Everyone come in, we will run through all the dances.” We all walked into the studio. The trio went first, so the rest of us went and leant against the mirror. The dance was looking really clean. If it wasn't, Abby would freak out because they learnt this dance ages ago. I was 99% sure that they would win. Next chloe did her solo, her music was a song from ‘Burlesque’. It was awesome and you could tell that she was really enjoying it. Next Maddie did her solo, it was so beautiful, she is a really great performer. I went up next to do my solo. The music turned on and I started dancing, I thought I did really well, and it got me thinking what my costume would look like. Lastly we practiced the group dance. I dont know what it was, but something felt a little off. Then I noticed it, Brandon was really stiff. I shrugged it off and kept on dancing. “Ok, that was great, everyone out. Brooke, come try on your costume.” Abby said. 

The costume was beautiful, it was a pretty blue dress. It was kind of short, but really nice. It flowed really nicely, and it was just all round pretty. “We will run the dance in it a couple times and then give it to your mum to stone.” I nodded, and thanked Sandy. Before I started my dance, I looked up at the viewing room. All the moms were there and so was Brandon. I smiled a little then turned back to the mirror. I started to feel really self conscious in the costume. I know I shouldn’t because Brandon has seen me in nothing but a crop-top and booty shorts which is more revealing that this. After running the dance a few times, I started to feel more comfortable in the costume. Abby told me to take it off and give it to my mum, so I did. I went to the bathroom and got changed back into my normal dance-wear. When I went up to the viewing room to give my mum the costume, I noticed that Brandon had left. 

“Mom, Abby wants you to stone this, it is for tomorrow, so could you get it done as quick as you can please.” I handed her the costume. 

“Good thing I brought my stoning kit.” She started to put rhinestones on the little permanent marker marks. I felt of no more use here so I thanked her and left. Now I really needed to find Brandon, I need to talk to him about the...kiss. I walked into the dancers den and he was not there, I looked into the studios, but they were filled with classes. Finally I went outside, just as I opened the door, I bashed into someone.

“Brandon! Just the person I wanted to see.” I gulped, the truth was, I was extremely nervous to tell Brandon that I liked him.

Brandon’s POV:

I lead Brooke outside so we could talk. She was avoiding me all yesterday, and I knew why. It was because she didn’t like me and it was awkward to be around me. It makes me so upset to know that the person you like doesn’t like you back, but would rather be her friend than nothing. I planed on telling her something so that she would believe that I dont like her, hopefully she will start acting more natural around me. “Listen Brooke, I know that you need to tell me something, but I need to tell you something as well. It is kind of important, so here it goes.” Come on brain, think of something smart to say to make her think that you dont like her. “Um well, I noticed that you had been acting kind of awkward around me lately, and I am pretty sure it was because of the kiss. I just wanted to tell you that, um, I don’t like you. I just did what I did, for the cameras. Everyone likes TV drama.”

Brooke’s POV:

My jaw dropped. He doesn’t like me. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and turn into dust. I was so stupid to think that someone like him would like me. “Um, well, I have to go see how my costume is doing.” I walked as quickly as I could to the viewing room. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I blinked them away, I didn’t was the cameras to see me cry.


I flung open the door to our house, I was still very upset about Brandon. I know I shouldn’t blame him, it is not his fault that he doesn't like me. But he shouldn’t have played with my emotions. I ran up to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I hopped in, I had held in my emotions until now, but I couldn’t hold them in for any longer. I started crying. Warm tears were dripping down my face. Just 2 nights ago, I was singing at the top of my lungs in the shower and tonight I was crying. Why did my heart have to do this to me. Why did I always go for the guys who could never like me back.

Authors Note: Well... I hope you like it! And FYI, if you have any constructive criticism please say it. All comments are appreciated. And the picture on your right is a picture of Brooke’s costume and Chloe's solo music! xx

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