Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Brooke's POV:

Did Brandon serisouly just tell me that he liked me? Is this really happening? I pinched my arm, I must have looked like a freak but I didn’t care. Brandon looked confused when I pinched myself, although I think the pinch worked. I suddenly remembered what Brandon said, that he was only doing this for the camera’s. I looked around, there were no camera crew anywhere. “Brandon,” I said. “There are no camera’s around here, you don’t have to say that”.

He wrinkled his forehead “What? What are you talking about? Oh! No... you see, I overheard you talking on the phone befo-” I put my hands in my head, I can’t believe he knew that I liked him, he will just tease me about it now. I ran off but Brandon was too quick and he grabbed my hand. “Just listen, I’ll explain everything.” Brandon explained how he thought that I just wanted to be his friend, thats why he made up the story about the camera’s. He told me how he liked me but was too embarrassed to tell me. He told me everything.

“You know, you could have just told me” I was smiling at the ground, I never would have thought this would happen.

“So could have you” I blushed. He entwined our hands and we walked off to go get my coke and his water. This was the best feeling ever, All those stupid tears were for nothing, but I have to give it to him, he was a pretty good actor. Brandon pushed open the door to the green-room and held the door open for me, I swung my head back and laughed. He was such a goof-ball. We sat in the corner of the room, just talking. We talked about so many different things, from school to friends to dancing to first crushes and back to dance. He made me smile he made me laugh and he even made me blush. 

“EVERYONE! We are going down for awards for the group, cross your fingers” Abby said, I can’t believe it was already time for awards for groups, that meant that Brandon and I spent 2 hours talking. We were all walking down to the stage, Kenzie was holding my hand. She was nervous. We went onto the bright stage, it is always so hot on stage, with the lights shining on you and people pushing left and right. We sat down and I held Kenzie and Brandon’s hand. 

“In 3rd place in the 9-12 age group for group we have... number 97, Bring It! In 2nd place we have... number 94,  At the Circus!” We were kind of disappointed, 2nd was still really good, but Abby would be mad. Kenzie, Maddie and Kendall went up to the the medals. They came back over to us and handed us each a medal. They announced first place and the other age categories, then we went off stage. We all walked back to the green-room together, we were all talking. Abby walked into the room.

“Well I think you did really well, the competition was very tough here, so I am actually happy with 2nd” Abby said, we all looked at her with our mouths open, I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth. We didn’t stay for much longer after that, we got our stuff and hopped onto the bus. Brandon sat next to me again, this time I was happy about it. Everyone else had fallen asleep at about the 2 hour mark, but Brandon and I stayed awake, quietly talking.

When the buss stopped in front of the Abby Lee Dance Company I looked around to see that everyone was waking up. Kenz was still fast asleep, I went over to her and picked her up. I carried her out of the buss and put her in Melissa’s arms. She thanked me before I went over to Brandon, I said goodbye and hugged him. He gave the best hugs. I was about to walk over to the car when Brandon gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and waved as I walked off. As I plonked into the car and put my seatbelt on Paige gave me a funny look.

“What?” I asked.

“I saw you, Brandon kissed you.” She smiled and started laughing. I looked out the window, I didn’t feel like talking to my baby sister about Brandon. The 20 minute car drive home went surprisingly quickly. We got home at about 9:30. When my mum opened the front door our dog, Buddy, jumped all over us. For dinner we just had leftovers, after dinner I raced Paige to our bathroom, I beat her so I got to have the shower first. I washed my hair, letting the hot water rinse away all the hair gel. I didn’t want to use up all the hot water so I got out of the shower. I wrapped my body in a towel and a smaller towel for my hair. I knocked on Paige’s door to let her know that the shower was free. I went back into my room and pulled on some sweat pants and a loose T-shit as pajamas. I heard the shower start. I wiped off all my makeup and waited for Paige to get out of the shower so I could dry my hair. When my hair was dry I went to check my phone, no new messages. I was kind of hoping for Brandon to text me. I went on twitter for a while before I started getting tired. I checked my phone again incase I hadn’t heard it go off. Nothing. I walked into the bathroom to go brush my teeth when I heard my phone go off. I ran back into my room and jumped over all the clothes lying on the floor, I lost my balance and bashed into my wardrobe. 

“Oww” I unlocked my phone to see that it wasn’t a text from Brandon, but from Nick. He was asking my how the competition went, I texted back all the results and he congratulated me. Then I texted him telling him I was going to bed. I put my phone down only to see Paige in my room. “What?” I asked

“I heard a bang coming from here.” I laughed

“That was just me, I ran into the wardrobe.”

“Wow! For a dancer you sure are clumsy.” She laughed and I poked my tongue out at her. We walked into the bathroom together and started brushing our teeth. “Sho I eard bwandon said he wiked oo” Paige said while she was brushing her teeth. 

“Wha” I replied, trying not to get toothpaste everywhere. Paige repeated herself, I couldn’t understand what she was saying, I tried not to burst out laughing. That only made her laugh. I spat into the sink and rinsed my mouth out. 

Paige did the same and then she said “ So I heard that Brandon said he liked you”

“Is that what you were trying to talk to talk to me about in there” I pointed to the bathroom. She nodded, and I sighed. “I’ll tell you about it in the morning, i’m too tired now.” I told her goodnight and we went into our rooms. I checked my phone one last time, nothing. Oh well, I thought. I hopped into bed and looked at the time, it was 11. I then switched off the light. Once my head hit the pillow I feel into a deep sleep. I sure had a busy day.

Author’s Note: Okkkk, hope you liked it, I am trying to show the relationships between the people, like the friendship between Brooke and Kenz. And the sisterhood between Paige and Brooke, I don’t have a sister, and my brother and I are really distant so I am trying my best to show that relationship. Good morning, afternoon or evening. xx

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