Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to All of my readers <3

Chapter 16 - Brooke’s POV:

 “BROOKE! WAKE UP!” Mum yelled from outside my bedroom. The competition is today, and we have to be at the studio by 5am. I looked at my iPhone, I had to squint because it was so bright. It read 4:07, that meant that I had half an hour to get ready. I got out of my warm bed and walked over to the bathroom. Paige had already had a shower so I went in. The warm water was nice and I wanted to stay in there forever and wash my troubles away. But I had to be quick, I still had to get ready. I was in the shower for about 5 minutes before I got changed and went downstairs for breakfast. Paige was munching on a granola bar so I took one too. “We have to leave in 5, so make sure that you are ready girls.” my mum walked into the kitchen, she looked ready to go. I ran upstairs and into my room. I packed all my stuff and made sure I had everything. I put on a bit of makeup and fixed my hair before I was rushed out of the door. The ride to the studio took around 20 minutes, I put in my earphones and cranked up the music. When we arrived, we practically had to jump out of the car. Everyone was already here, we loaded all our stuff into the bus and went to the front of the studio where everyone was. Abby made sure that we were all here, before we all got onto the bus. I went to sit in the 2nd back row, Mackenzie sat behind me. I liked having a seat all to myself, especially on the long rides. I turned around to talk to Kenzie, but when I turned back around, I noticed that Brandon was sitting next to me. Shoot, there goes all my leg space. Brandon tried to talk to me, it made me sad to talk to him, because I know that I have feelings for him, and I know that the feeling is not mutual. After a while, when Brandon had stopped talking to me, I decided that I wanted to go to sleep.

“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night so i’m going to catch up on my sleep.” I said as I rolled over to face the window. I certainly didn’t want Brandon to see me while I was sleeping. I probably look stupid.

“Ok well then goodnight cutie pie.” When he said this the butterflies came back to my stomach and I couldn’t help but smile. God, why did he have to do this to me?

“Brooke! WAKE UP!” I woke up with a start “See thats how you do it.” Paige giggled and ran away. Apparently Brandon had been trying to wake me up but it wasn’t working, Paige had to show him how to do it because she is a pro after the many times she has woken me up.

“We are here” I looked over at Brandon, then out the window.

“Did I really sleep the whole 4 hour dive to Lancaster?” I asked

“Hahaha, Yep. You sleep like a little baby.” We got up and walked out of the bus, my cheeks were burning. 

“Ok everyone, it is already 9:30, Maddie is the first solo, and she is on at 11. Lets go in and start getting ready.” Abby said. As we were walking into the building, Kenzie jumped on my back. Good thing I wasn’t too unprepared, she usually did this. The first time I nearly dropped her. After signing in, we went to our green-room. We all sat down and started stretching. By the time we had finished our warmup it was 10. Maddie and Chloe had to get their makeup and hair done. Maddie’s costume was pretty similar to her ‘I can’t find the words’ solo, except it was green. She had a hat on to tell the story of her dance. Chloe’s costume was really cute, It was a pink leotard with frills up the top, she also had arm sleeves (kind of like her ‘pardon moi’ costume). She had her hair in a french twist. I watched them run their routines a couple times before I had to go put on my costume. I went into the bathroom and put on tights and my blue dress. Then I put my Abby Lee Dance Company jacket over the top. When I came out of the bathroom they were still running routines and Abby was giving corrections. It was time for their solo’s so we all went to they stage. Maddie and Chloe went backstage while the rest of us went to watch. Kenzie sat on my lap, but I couldn’t see so I asked her to sit next to me. We watched a few dances before Maddie came on. 

“Next we have number 43, Maddie from the Abby Lee Dance Company performing ‘Skin’.” The announcer said. Maddie walked onstage and ‘skin by rascal flatts’ (her music) came on. Her performance was absolutely stunning, she is really talented, and she does work hard to get on top of the pyramid. Maddie went off stage and we watched a few more dances that were pretty good before Chloe came on. “And here is number 47, Chloe from the Abby Lee Dance Company performing ‘I am a Good Girl’.” Chloe did a little sassy walk on and ‘I am a Good Girl’ (her music) came on. Chloe didn’t miss a beat, she was cute and sassy and she had a lot of energy. When Chloe’s solo was over we all went back to the green-room. My mum had to start with my makeup, and my hair. She did my hair in a simple bun, with a blue ribbon around it. My makeup was just normal stage makeup. My mum was about just starting my hair when Maddie and Chloe burst through the door. We all clapped for them and they went to go give Abby a hug.

“Girls that was great, Maddie we just need to watch your turns, you traveled a little too much. But over all beautiful, your mother was crying. Chloe, you just need to have eye contact with the judges.” They both nodded and went to get their costumes on for the trio. Once my mum had finish my hair and makeup, she had to start on Paige. Paige was in blue, Maddie was in pink and Chloe was in yellow. I went over to Abby and we ran my solo a couple times. It was almost time for my solo, before we left Brandon came up to me.

“Good luck, not that you will need it, because you are an amazing dancer and really talented. I am rambling, aren't I.” I laughed at Brandon’s comment. I am not really sure if he meant it, but I appreciated it anyway. We were all walking down the hall, to go to watch my solo. But before I could go backstage, Somebody grabbed my wrist. I looked back and Brandon had his hand clasped around my wrist. “By the way, blue is really your color.” Then he walked off. Why did he have to do that? He is going to make me all flustered before I go on stage!

Author’s Note: Ok, hoped you liked it. The trio is the same trio dance that they did in season 1 where Chloe’s headband fell in front of her face by the way. This is the list for music (Maddie's music to your right)

Maddie’s solo - Skin by Rascal Flatts. 

Chloe’s solo - I am a Good Girl by Christina Aguilera

Brooke’s solo - Shelter by Birdy (instrumental)

Untouchable trio - 15 Minutes Of Fame by Josephine

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