He slammed the ball into the basket making the crowd go wild.

"Yasssss Ty!" Honey yelled causing me to laugh.

The crowd called down as they started back playing.

"That's Aunt Honey." I told King pointing to Honey.

"Aunt Honey?" He repeated.

I nodded.

"And that's Uncle Chris." I said pointing to Chris at the free throw line.

He nodded his head trying to make out everything I just said. He was processing this new environment and all the new people.

Michael was really serious about this dad thing, he even brought himself an apartment across from the campus so that he could have King a place to stay other than the down.

"Ms. Tay, I'm hungry." He said rubbing his stomach.

"Let's go get something to eat then. You want Nachos?" I asked.

"That sounds good right about now." He said causing me to laugh. He had a huge vocabulary for a little 3 year old.

We made our way down the bleachers seeing Michael getting water . He looked over and smiled at us before getting put back into the game.

"Daddy!" King yelled . Michael waved quickly with a smile before getting focused.

We walked to the concessions stand seeing bunches of reporters and stuff . They were all waiting in line to get in the game. It was always packed here.

Me and King waited in line for about 5 minutes while he played "Don't touch the white tile" on my phone.

"Wasssuhh Tayah." Anthony said coming up to me and giving me a hug. King looked up at him and pushed him away from me.

I laughed a little.

"Woah little man. My bad." Anthony said putting his hands up.

"King this is Anthony. Or Ant. He's cool." I said.

"Umhmm." He said causing both of us to laugh.

"Who's this? He look just like Ty" Anthony asked.

"King. Michaels son." I said.

"I never knew he had a son." He said.

"Neither did he." I said. "It's a long story."

Anthony nodded. "We'll talk later."

"Where's Kaitlin?" I asked referring to his girlfriend.

"She already here, I'm just getting here." He said.

"Oh. Tell her I said hey. " I said.

"No doubt. Reek asked about you and Honey yesterday." He said laughing a little.

"I miss that fool." I smiled.

"Me too...I'll see you Monday for our workout. K?" He said.

"Yea. See you then." I said before he turned and left.

"Next!" The lady said. King ran up to the concessions thing and started jumping to see but he was way to short. I laughed a little before picking him up so he could see.

"Hey cutie. What would you like?" The lady asked with a smile.

"Nachos with just chili." He said.

"Coming right up baby boy. Do you have a order too?" She asked.

"Give me a hotdog with just ketchup and a Pepsi." I said. "You want a soda King?"

He nodded his head fairly causing me to laugh a little.

"Make it two Pepsi's." I said.

She nodded before giving us the nachos and hotdog.

"Hold it with two hands." I told King.

"Yes mam." He said back. I just wanted to eat him up, he was too cute.

"I grabbed the one soda and a hotdog while tucking the other soda under my arm.

"Let's go." I said.

King led us back to our seats in the dead center of the bleacher so we could see everything.

"Thank you Ms. Tay." He said crunching down on his nachos.

He looked at me as I ate, just like Michael did. It was crazy how much alike they looked.

I looked over to my right and seen Lea and Honey coming up the bleachers. I slightly rolled my eyes at the sight of Lea, aka the bestfriend thief. Everybody says I'm being dramatic and childish but I couldn't help it. Honey bee is my bestfriend.

"Hey Tayah." Lea smiled.

"Sup." I said paying attention to the game.

"Come to Auntie." Honey cooed reaching her arms out towards King.

He walked over and sat on her lap .

"He's so cute." Lea cooed. "We gotta go shopping for him Honey."

"Definitely." Honey smiled

I rolled my eyes praying that this game would get over quickly so Lea could leave.


"Uncle Chris." King said running up and giving him a hug.

I smiled at how family oriented King was. He was just getting to know these people and was already happy with them.

"Hey boi." Chris said ruffing his curly hair.

"Where daddy?" He asked.

"He coming." Chris said,

"I'm right here." Michael said walking up and picking King up.

"Wow, y'all twins." Honey said.

"I know." Michael smiled before pecking my lips.

"How I do?" He asked.

"Amazing as always." I said.

"Was King good?" He asked as King played with his phone.

"Yea. He so cute, and the ladies love him." I said laughing a little.

"He get it from his pops." He smirked popping his invisible collar.

"Let's just go ." I laughed

He smiled before grabbing my hand as King hung onto his back.

"I'm a daddy." Michael mumbled. I guess things were still surreal.


Heeeey babesss.


Y'all met King.

Michael a daddy fr.

They relationship still strong 👌

Comment and vote y'all!!!

I love y'all. Keep it Trill ❤️

Different Game (Player's Change Sequel) Tyga StoryWhere stories live. Discover now