Chapter 20

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3rd person POV

"What do you want Lilly!?" Clementine shouted to the woman outside the gates. "I want to continue where we left off, with Y/n, was it?" Lilly replied, an evil smirk coming across her features. "You can fuck off! You're not touching her at all!" Violet shouted, getting all protective of her girlfriend. Zuri walked up to the gates, a gun in hand. "You don't hurt Y/n. You won't hurt anyone." She said , pointing the gun at Lilly's head. AJ walked up to the gates and pointed his gun at her too. "Leave. And no one gets hurt." He said. "That's enough you too..Don't you think?" Louis said nervously. Clementine grabbed AJ and put him behind her back. Y/n walked forward and grabbed Zuri, doing the same. Violet then stepped in front of Y/n, protecting her from what Lilly may want to do to her. "Here's an idea. You give me Y/n and none of you get hurt." "No. You don't get anyone. Delta is done. So just, Fuck off!" Violet yelled. Y/n all of a sudden started seeing things. She got dizzy, and her visions returned. She collapsed to the floor. Everyone's commotion stopping as they looked on in terror. Even Lilly, who thought on what may have happened. Violet kept the girl close to her, and held her, protectively.

Y/n's POV

"Kill her."

"She's only going to lie."

"She wants to kill you all." 

"She's not something you'd want to trust."

Who are these voices!?

"Don't you remember us?"


"You're evil. Look at what you did to us."

"We'll make you pay."

Y/n woke up, she was in her younger self. In the room where her parents died. They were holding the door shut as the walkers tried desperately to get inside. The bites on their arms visible. Y/n's hand trembled as the cold metal gun clanked. She pointed it at her parents and didn't even think twice. She clenched her teeth, shutting her tear stained eyes closed as she let the bullets fly; into their heads. She opened her eyes and saw her worst nightmare. It wasn't her parents. But instead, Zuri and Violet that now lay there lifelessly. The girl screamed and the vision faded.

"Don't repeat your mistakes."


"Don't trust her."

Y/n saw another vision.

One of Zuri's potential death.

"If Lilly is trusted Zuri will die. If Lilly gets in Zuri will die. If Lilly kills Zuri, YOU WILL DIE"

You will die anyway. But better not drag someone else down with you, because of your mistake. 

3rd Person POV

Y/n woke up in the court-yard and in Violet's arms. Lilly was in the gates. She was there. She was going to kill them, and Y/n wouldn't allow it. "What's she doing here..!" She yelled, making everyone flinch. "She vowed to not hurt anyone. She's got places that have supplies." Louis replied. "So you trust her? Just like that!?" Y/n shouted. "She's dangerous. She's going to kill us!" "Well Y/n I suggest you calm down. I'm not hurting anybody." Lilly replied, a small smirk could be seen. Y/n gave up, knowing no one can see the future like she can. The only hope she has it to help prevent it.

2 weeks later.

Lilly had gained everyone's trust. Everyone but Y/n's. The girls gotten more guidelines in her visions on how to prevent the upcoming events. The girl's power grew over the weeks and she can now close her eyes and see where everyone is and what they're doing. She doesn't know if this is a blessing or a curse. But right now it's a blessing. In the court-yard, Violet and Zuri lay, gun pointed to their heads, by none other than Lilly herself. "Y/n!" They shouted, the others lay helplessly on the ground, beaten. Y/n rushed out. Lilly saw the girl approach and took aim at her chest instead. Trigger pulled, bullet flew, girl fell, blood dripped, inaudible screams, everything black, darkness.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Heart monitor.

T-thump.. T-t-Thump

Heart. My heart. Beating in my chest, ringing in my ears.

Vision black.


Violet's voice.

Where am I?

I opened my eyes. Adjusting the light above me.

"Doctor she's awake!" Violet shouted, but it sounded like ringing to me.



"Take it easy. You've been in a coma for the last 4 months. You had a terrible car accident, after someone shot you through your windshield. You lost your eye and took some major damage. You've been off school since, duh. Everyone's worried about you. Lou's been making random post it notes full of jokes to give you when you wake up. Clem's been trying to keep our spirits up, like you used to. Aasim has surprisingly helped Ruby make a get well soon card. Marlon bought a balloon and flowers. I've been keeping you company. Zuri's been visiting alongside your Dad. Your mum's been working non-stop to pay for your medical bills."

"Wait. What about the apocalypse. What about Lilly? Didn't she kill me?"

"What are you talking about..? Apocalypse? You've been playing too much COD Zombies. And Lilly? Don't you mean Mrs. Caul, the PE teacher? And no she didn't kill you, you're alive, but in a hospital...sadly..."

The apocalypse never happened....?

Was it all a dream..?

Violet saw the look in my eyes. Does she know the visions I have? I mean I would think so considering she's spent most her time out of school here with me right? So she must've heard the things that went on inside my head, via the screen that scans my brain and processes my thoughts into words in the corner of the room.

"I saw everything on the monitor. It was all just a dream, babe."

All the events I've been through. 

And it was all just a dream.

sorry if there's any mistakes. I haven't proof read it.

words - 932

Okay that's the ending! Plot twist it was all just a dream. I will write a sequel which is obviously going to be a high school AU of when she gets out of the hospital after being in a coma for 4 months due to the accident.

You will learn more about the characters within the story

Zuri would be your adopted little sister. And you're parents are alive.

Clementine and Louis will be dating as you and Violet are. Clem's little adopted brother is AJ :P

Minnie and Sophie are like the bullies.

the rest of the crew are alive, including Mitch, Marlon, Brody! :P

I hope you enjoyed the story and sorry to end it on such a short note, but like I said their will be a sequel. 

Thanks for reading my story! 

Hope you all have a good day/night! And stay strong!

Sequel will be started within the next week or so. 

Until then Cya! :P

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