Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

When Louis and Clementine walked into the music room, with Clem leaning on Louis for support, as suspected, Violet had a shit eating grin on her face. "Huh. What's this? Is this the sexual tension that Y/n mentioned?" Violet had said, holding back her laughter, knowing exactly what the two had gotten up to. "Don't be jealous Vi. I'm sure you've wanted nothing more than to fuck your girlfriend. I bet that's why you're in a rush to get her back, ey?" Louis had replied. Violet literally sunk, not because Louis had said somewhat the truth, but because it only made her realise how much she was actually missing Y/n. Louis took notice and decided to apologise, but first he needed to put Clem down, so he put her on the piano stool. He approached his now sulking friend and engulfed her in a hug, to say he was sorry at the very most. The blonde wrapped her arms around the taller friend, as although she wouldn't admit it, she really did need a hug, even though she's not one for affection. Louis pulled away from the hug. "Sorry Vi. I got carried away. We'll get them back soon." Louis had said. "All of them!" Violet cheered, knowing the saying 'no man left behind', in fact she liked that saying so much she had Tenn put it on the banners, before putting them up with the help of Louis. Clementine gave Ruby the advice of using purple lighting, and Willy had apologised to Tenn and filled them all in about the plan to blow up the boat with the bomb he had made, with Mitch's help, when he was still alive. The others actually agreed it was a good idea, and so Willy and Tenn set off to get the timing right for the bomb, as if they don't they may plant it and end up in the explosion. Ruby had found the Ericsons' kids official probationary reports, and decided to make a game about it where Clementine has to guess which one Ruby is describing via the file. This was all happening while listening to some Jazz music, which AJ seemed to be bobbing his head to in enjoyment, Zuri joining in not too long after, making sure to sit down next to AJ.

"--I'll make sure it's actually someone you met. Here's the first one--" Ruby started, pausing to open the file in her hand. "While otherwise a remarkable student *Blank* continues to be plagued by fits of anger, uncontrollable cursing, and repeated physical altercations with the senior faculty." She closed the file, and the others waited for Clementine's answer. Clementine looked around before speaking her mind on who she thinks it would be. "That's gotta be Violet." She said. "Nope, way scarier." Violet replied, smirking. "That's Ruby's file!" Willy shouted getting a "Holy shit, really?" from Clementine. "Guilty as charged." "Yeah you should a seen Ruby back in the early days. She was like those Tasmanian devils from them cartoons." Louis had said. "I mean I can kinda see it. The first time I met Ruby she was all "That little motherfucker." Clementine said, impersonating Ruby towards the end, earning laughter from the group. 

It all went quiet until Willy spoke up. "You guys wanna know why I got sent here?" "It depends. Is it something gross?" Clementine asked, getting an instant yes from Violet and Louis. Willy still said his reason though. "Chronic Masturbation." He said. Clementine giving him a weird look as Louis and Violet looked disgusted. "What's that mean?" AJ asked. "Uh-huh. Don't you dare." Clementine said, pointing her finger at Louis, Violet and Willy, knowing they were likely to answer the question. Zuri spoke up. "AJ, It's where--" Everyone looked on in shock as the other six year old began explaining what it was, out loud. "Stop!" Clementine screeched, stopping the kid there luckily. "How do you know what it is?" Violet asked. "Y/n told me." Zuri replied, looking way to happy with that. "Oh, she did?" Louis asked, smirking, getting a nod from the girl. "Well, there you go Vi. You've got a girl who knows what she's doing." Louis said, Violet instantly going red, and burying her head in one of the pillows Ruby had fetched earlier. "It seems that you and Clementine have already done it." Ruby said solemnly, shutting up the boy, and the girl also mentioned turning red. AJ looked dumbfounded and Tenn had filled him in on it, in a more less sexual explanation.  "Uh anyway---let's move on shall we?" Louis said, nervously at that. 

Ruby looked through the files and found Violet's and Louis'. She tossed their files to them, so they can decide what they want to do with them. Violet put hers away, not ready to share her story with everyone just yet. However Louis, he decided to tell everyone present. He went on about his family being rich and that he wanted to have singing lessons and that his dad said "He can be rich or happy, not both." So Louis decided to split his parents up, using that line against his dad when he revealed why he did it, this all ended him up in Ericson's. Louis looked down after he had finished. He put the file away in the box as Clementine apologised for all the shit that he and all the other kids must've gone through. "We weren't good people Clementine. But that doesn't mean we should've been left here to die by the people who were supposed to take care of us." Violet spoke up. "Sorry I guess I ain't the "Game" type. Not like Louis is anyway." Ruby said, after a few moments of silence. "Hey...I've got an idea. Why don't you play "Don't be afraid" Like Minnie used to." Tenn spoke. "Yeah I like that idea buddy." Louis said, getting up to go to his piano. He looked at Violet, and Violet got the message that he wanted her to sing. They both sat on the stool and Louis began playing the song as Violet joined in with singing a second or two after.

Never mind the darkness.

Never mind the storm.

Never mind the blood red moon.

The night will be over soon~

The night will be over soon~

Brush away the sorrow.

Brush away the tears.

Sing away your heavy heart.

The night will be over soon~

The night will be over soon~

For every night goes quiet.

And every moon grows blue.

Beyond the dark comes something new.

The sun will be rising soon~

The sun will be rising soon~

The sun will be rising soon~

Louis finished the duet off with a few more Piano notes, then the room went quiet. "We should get some rest. Busy day tomorrow." Clementine had suggested. They all nodded in agreement before getting comfy on the floor, with blankets over them and a pillow so they won't have to rest their heads against the cold, hard flooring. AJ, Clementine and Zuri were close together, with Violet close to Zuri's right. Louis was on AJ's left. Ruby, Tenn and Willy spread about, with Rosie lying in the middle. Clementine got up and blew out the candle, the only lit one left. They all soon drifted off to sleep in the quiet, ready for the busy night ahead of them. 

Words -1216

Yes, they having a sleepover, cuz I thought that was why Ruby grabbed dem pillows. And yes they will wake up in the night to do the break in blah blah blah, so they gone bed early to ensure they wouldn't be tired. Say it's like 9pm, and they all gone wake up at like 2 am so yah. Sorry it's short but it's late and I'm tired myself so I'm going to leave it here. I will hopefully have the next chapter up tomorrow/today cuz it's gone midnight but yah. No promises but I want to get the rest of episode three done. IDK if I will continue or wait until episode 4, but I think I will continue and low ball it, writing in a way that I think is how episode 4 will be, but I probably be completely wrong, so it's just me writing random ideas. And yes the prison scene, mhm, got sum ideas, and I can't wait to have them written. anyway bye bye kiddos, barney loves you. 

Have a good day/night and stay strong! :P 

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