Chapter 9

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Haven't proof read so sorry if there's any mistakes :P

3rd Person POV

It was the next morning. The fire from the Molotov thrown by Lilly by the gate has died down. Willy hasn't moved all night, insisting that he must be with Mitch before they bury him. Ruby was currently shovelling the ground in the grave-yard, Making another six feet hole to place Mitch in. Clementine had just returned from checking the woods. She didn't go far from the school but she did enough scouting to prove that they are now safe. Violet, Louis, AJ, and Zuri were held up in the basement, with a passed out Abel. "Pass me the tape." Violet said, directly to Louis as AJ sat in an old desk chair, playing with the chamber of his gun and Zuri sat on the floor looking sad that the only person who had cared for her up until now had been taken. Louis went over to the table and grabbed the tape. He handed it to the solemn looking Violet and she took it from him, tying it around Abel as tight as she could. Ever since Y/n was taken last night, Violet's been acting different. Louis suspects they finally got together remembering the time he was told by Violet and Y/n both that they had feelings for the other. Now Louis had the task of helping Violet get back to herself.

 "So.. you and Y/n, huh?" He asked, giant smirk on his face as Violet turned her head fast in his direction, she thought she would get whiplash, and she held a surprised expression on her features. "How'd you know?" She asked. "Because ever since Y/n got taken you've been depressed. You haven't been you." Louis replied. She looked down before she replied "What about you and Clem?" She asked, for once a smirk planted on her face instead of her frown. The question took Louis of guard, but he expected it, so he was unsure on why it took him off guard. Maybe it was the rising feeling off butterflies settling in his stomach at the mention of 'Clem' or maybe because he was just happy that Violet was looking some what herself. "I'm not gonna even deny it. Clementine admitted her feelings for me and we kissed." Louis said, proud smile on his face as the memories of last night came back. Louis completely forgot AJ and Zuri was around and listening intently to the two teens' conversation. "Do you love Clementine?" AJ had asked. Now Louis didn't know how to reply to that as 'love' was a strong word for a starting relationship, but he didn't want to say no in case AJ went and told Clementine and Louis ended up hurting her feelings. "Love's a strong word for a starting relationship. Maybe with time he'll admit it to her. I'm just assuming that they're boyfriend and girlfriend." Violet had said and earned an understanding nod from AJ and a thankful smile from Louis. "Well he's tied up, Let's go get Clem." Violet said. Louis nodded and AJ stayed where he was. "I'm staying." "Me too." Zuri's small quiet voice had spoke. She and AJ were friends and close ones at that. The two would never be seen without the other and it was cute for the teens to see. The two teenagers didn't say anything and left the basement to find Clementine. 

Once they submerged from the basement doors and out into the courtyard they came across Clementine, holding onto Willy's shoulder as he grieved his best friend. "Hey. We got Abel locked up in the basement. AJ's waiting on you. Zuri's down there too." Louis had told her. Getting a nod from the girl. Louis bent down to Willy's current level. "We should bury him. It's time." He told the aforementioned boy, who just nodded, wiping at the fresh tears in his eyes and ones that have already ran down his cheeks. Tenn stood bold and walked up to Willy. "I'll help you carry h--" He was cut off as Willy aggressively pushed him. "Get away from him! You're the reason he's dead!" Willy said. Violet helped Tenn up from the floor, glaring at Willy silently, hoping he'd drop the act as it was the last thing they needed to worry about right now. "Hey Willy? Cut the fucking shit out! We don't need this right now!" Clementine scolded Willy. Tenn ran off, into the admin building. "I'll handle this." Violet had said, before running after Tenn. "--Don't be afraid to y'know, hurt him a little. You might get more out of him that way." Louis had told her, before reaching out and grabbing her hand, holding it and sending her a re-assuring smile, before walking off. Clementine walked off into the basement, Finding Rosie laying in the corner, near to where Brody had died. Clementine patted the dogs head, Rosie moving into the touch. Clementine had made Rosie her dog, and she knew Rosie would do anything to help Clementine if she needed it. Clementine walked around the corner and saw AJ playing with his gun and Zuri staring at the stone cold floor. "Wake him up." She told him. AJ stood up, pressing his foot into Abel's fucked up broken leg. He woke up screaming. "Now that's not a nice way to wake up an old man." He chuckled. "Where'd they take our friends?" Clementine asked, getting straight to the questions. "Huh is that why I'm still here and not dead? Well if you think you're getting anything out of me, you're wrong." He had said, earning himself a smack, as Clementine had forcefully connected his face with the table. He hissed out in pain, before chuckling again.

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