Chapter 14) Love Making

Start from the beginning

"Well you got two choices. Stop moving them damn hips, or we need to take this to the room," he whispered.

I didn't have to think twice. I figured there was only one way to end the perfect night.

"Carry me to the room," I said, then started to grind on him again.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, then began kissing my neck.


I didn't answer, just slid my hand down the front of his boxers, and began to softly play, with his member. After a few minutes, he pulled my hand out, and threw his head back.

"Alright, I'm taking that, as a yes," he said smiling, picking his head back up.

Before either of us said anything, he picked me up out of the water bridal style. I threw my hands around his neck, as he wrapped us both up in a robe. Instead of taking the elevator to our floor, he ran up the steps. He carried me all the way up to our floor, and to our door. Somehow, he unlocked the door, without putting me down. After he walked in, he kicked the door shut with his foot, and removed the robe. I jumped down, just to jump right back on him, facing him this time. He held be up by my legs, as he walked through our suite. He carried me to the bedroom, and slowly laid me down on the bed, with his hand on my head, so I wouldn't hit the head board. He slowly stood up, looked me up and down, and he bit his bottom lip. He looked so freaking sexy, as his eyes pierced through mine, as he climbed on top of me. I couldn't help but let a slight moan out, as he wrapped his strong arms, around my back. Just his touch, sent my hormones into oblivion. He immediately started kissing my neck, and quickly found my sweet spot. I know he knew he found it, because no matter where he kissed, he always kept going back to it. Somehow, I managed to get us turned around, and sat on top of him. I reached my arms around, unclasped my bra, and threw it across the room, never taking my eyes off his. He slowly moved his eyes down to my chest, and he licked his lips. Without talking, he brought his torso up to mine, and began kissing my breasts, while his soft hands were rubbing my back. I ran my hands through his hair, as he kept going from breast to breast, sucking my knobs. After a few minutes in that position, he turned us around, and ran his hands up and down my legs, while his head was still going, side to side, on my chest. Little by little, he was slowly making his way down. As he kept getting closer and closer, to my honey pot, I felt tingling through my whole body again. I felt the need to have him inside me. It wasn't that I wanted him there, even though I did, it was the need to have him there, that got to me. Before I could make my move, I felt his fingers run over my thongs, and couldn't help but let out another little moan. I felt him smile in the kisses he was leaving on my stomach, as he slid his hands, down the sides of my underwear, then slid them down my legs, and over my feet. As he climbed back on me, he rubbed his hands from the bottom of my legs, to my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, as he turned us around again. I attached my lips to his neck, as he slowly rubbed my back. I moved my lips from side to side on his neck, then moved slowly down to his chest. As soon as I got back up to his neck, I slowly got to his throat, and left small kisses, straight down the middle of his chest, and down to the top of his boxers. I took my hands, and softly tugged the elastic, letting him know I wanted them off. He picked up his hips, and I slowly pulled them down to his ankles, and slid them off each foot separately. As I went back to lay on him, I kissed all the way up his right leg, until I got to his erection. I teased him with the tip of my tongue, on the tip of his member, until I heard him leave out a large groan. I smiled, and went back up to his neck. We were both rubbing each others bodies, and kissing, until I felt him start to rub my honey pot, and turned me on my back. I felt him start rubbing me again, and I attached my lips to his neck, this time, not letting him go. After a minute, I left out a low cry, as I felt a warm finger enter my body. It hurt like a bitch. I guess I should have expected that, since I was a virgin, but he didn't know that, and I have no plans on telling him either. After a few minutes, of moving his long finger, in and out if me slowly, pure pleasure replaced the pain. I arched my back, as I left out a loud moan. I heard a little chuckle come from his lips, I knew he was enjoying getting me back, for what I did to him at my house. After I got use to the feeling, I reached my arms down, and started stroking his rock hard member. I heard him hold his breath, instead of leaving out a moan, causing me to chuckle. However, that didn't last long, as I felt a second finger enter. That was it, I knew I needed him, I need him now.

"Babe, make love to me," I whispered, pulling his head to mine.

"Are you sure you're ready, I don't want to pressure you Lena," he whispered back.

Was he pressuring me? No, I don't think so.

"I am ready Roman, I need you," I said, biting down on his neck.

He pulled his head up from my lips, and positioned himself.

"Are you ready?" He asked smirking.

"More than ready," I said, pulling him down to me.

I was ready, I was ready to make love for the first time in my life, and to the man of my dreams. A second later, I felt his rock enter me, and I yelled out in pain. He didn't move, as I grabbed a pillow, and finished screaming. A minute later, he pulled it off my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine," I whispered, putting my arms around him.

"Well good, because I want to see that pretty face of yours, as we make love," he said, and started moving.

As he would go deeper and deeper inside of me, the pain would go away, and the only feeling I was getting, was pure heaven pleasure. My fingers found their way to his hair, and I gently gave a tug, but quickly found out that was a huge mistake. He slammed into me, causing a loud moan. I quickly found my pressure building up, when I realized I was about to reach my high. I guess Roman could feel it too, because with one quick second, I was on top, and riding him. He grabbed my hands, pushed me up, then watched down at his member, going in and out of me. After I felt myself reach my climax, and my legs begin to tremble, I looked up, and his eyes were in the back of his head. I put my hands on his chest, as I was finally coming down from my high, and he turned us back around. I guess I did something right, because he kept slamming in and out of me. I couldn't control my moaning, as he kept hitting my g-spot. A few moments later, I looked up at him, and seen his eyes roll, back into his head. With one quick thrust, I felt him relax. I knew he reached his peak. He slowly rolled off me, and pulled me to his chest.

"That was so worth waiting for," he said, and chucked.

I chuckled with him, and hid my head in his neck, embarrassed.

"I'm serious Lena, I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too Roman," I whispered back.

I left a small kiss on his shoulder, then laid my head on his chest. I was sore. My legs felt like rubber, as a tingling sensation filled them, and my cupcake, was throbbing. After he a few minutes of holding each other, he kissed the top of my head.

"Why don't we take a shower," he suggested.

I still felt the tingling in my legs, and knew if I tried getting off the bed, I would just fall on my ass.

"That sounds nice, but I can't walk," I told him laughing.

He laughed, as he stood up. He put his arms under me, and carried me bridal style again, but into the bathroom. We took a shower, got ready for bed, and we laid on the bed, with him holding me. I couldn't believe I just made love to the man of my hopes, my dreams, and hopefully my future. I knew for sure, I would never regret my decision, to sleep with him.....

A/N: How was it?? Good?? Bad?? Too much?? Also, now that Lena and Roman made love, do you think they will last?? Or will someone come in, and ruin their happiness??  Will Lena ever tell Roman she was a virgin?? Comment your thought's below.....

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