Ch. 42

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Authors notes: make sure to vote, comment and follow! Thank you for all your support, I hope to update more regularly but I can't promise anything since I'll be quite busy this year :)

[India's POV ] - not edited

Christmas has passed, and weight has been gained. A lot of weight. Christmas is the time where my healthy eating regiment is shoved so far down the bin it may as well be a black hole. Chocolates and cake, and more chocolates, and more cake. I'm not saying that I regret any of it, because I don't but my motivation to now go to the gym has also been thrown down into the black hole aka oblivion.

It took Shawn a good half an hour to drag me out of bed on New Year's Day to go to the gym, and let me tell you I was not happy about it. There were two reasons I finally caved in: one, Shawn promised me he'd buy me my favourite chocolate and two, he promised me lots of forehead kisses and cuddles when we got back. He has me in the palm of his hand.

So here I am, Shawn in hand, as we enter my neighbourhood gym. When we enter I make a beeline for the cycling machine to warm up, Shawn in tow. I put my water bottle down and take off my sweatshirt, leaving me in my NIKE sports leggings, sports bra and trainers. Shawn stands next to me but he's facing the other way, he is also in a similar get up of all black, and of course his signature headband.  When he turns around he notices I've taken the sweatshirt off, his eyes trail down my body from my eyes to my chocolate filled stomach and back up slowly.

"Shawny boy, my eyes are up here love." I say, smirking.

Taking a step towards me so he's all up in my business he says, "Well maybe you should put that sweater back on then, then I wouldn't be so distracted." Smartass.

"It's not my fault I'm so attractive."

"It definitely is not but it is your fault that your teasing me and distracting me when I'm supposed to be concentrating."

"Aww, Mendes, you poor boy," I mock, placing a hand on his chest. "You're just going to have to put up with it cause I'm not changing. Plus your distracting me just as much, have you seen yourself in that damn headband, your to cute. Now shoo, and leave me to exercise, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you anyway. I don't wake up at 5am for no reason." I continue, waving him away to the weights.

"Fine." He wines, removing himself from towering down over me and walking reluctantly over towards the weights but not before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Shaking my head, I head to the nearest exercise bike, put my headphones in and press shuffle on my phone. Let's do this.

"I'm bringing sexy back,
Those motherfu-"

Who the hell took out my headphones and stopped me from jamming to my Justin Timberlake, you'll never guess.

"Shawn, seriously?! In the middle of JT?!" I huff, as Shawn smirks over me, headphones in hand.

He moves his head back, and I lift my body up from its crunch position before spinning around cross legged to face him.

"I'm sorry babe." He says, trying not to let out a chuckle.

"Sorry my ass Mendes." I come-back which only makes him laugh more.

"I am not sorry at all for your ass."

Okay, I put myself in that situation. There is nothing I can do but laugh, I can't keep a straight face. I burst out laughing, full on tears shedding from my eyes.

I end up falling into Shawn's sweaty arms as he crouched down in-front of me. His arms automatically wrap around me, as we laugh in sync.

It takes a while but we finally sober up. Looking up, Shawn looking down, we stare at each other. The gym music suddenly turns into a muffled sound and all I can hear is Shawn's breathing and my heart beating. And within seconds his lips are on mine, his hands on my waist pulling me closer. It's sweet and passionate and short but loving.

on the plane ride home [ Shawn Mendes fanfiction ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora