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Authors notes: I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your support, it's great to hear what you think about the story! Make sure to keep commenting and voting, it means a lot :) can we get up to 50 on both this chapter if possible?

[India's POV ] - not edited

When I wake up I'm holding onto something warm and cozy, I don't want to let go. At some point I realise I have to actually open my eyes and get up but for now I'm going to enjoy this feeling of serenity. Those moments don't last very long though because what I thought was my pillow starts to move. Turns out it wasn't my pillow.

"Morning hun..." A deep husky voice whispers into my ear. Turns out it was Shawn.

I move my body so I'm sitting upwards, enabling me to see his face. His hair is a bit of a mess, curls going here there and everywhere but to me he still looks great. Does Shawn ever not look great?

Straddling his waist I lean forward and brush one of the many stray curls from his smooth face. Shawn takes my hand as I begin to pull it away from placing a soft kiss onto it. It sends a number of flutters through my body, I don't get how he does it.

"Morning bud..." I whisper as Shawn's eyes reconnect with mine, "How was your lads day out?"

He laughs at my use of  'lads' instead of 'guys' before telling me about his day, "It was good thank you babe but I have to tell you, I'm looking forward to spending today with you even more."

"Well I hope you enjoy it." I planned a simple day out, nothing to fancy or extravagant, just something that will have some significance to the two of us.

His hand that was once holding mine captures my cheek, his thumb gliding back and forth against it in a comforting way. The rough texture of his guitar fingers sending a smile my way.

Finally he says, "Trust me, I will."

"So where are we heading?" Shawn asks me as he locks the door to our apartment.

"I can't tell you that now can I because then I would be ruining the surprise." I say cheekily, taking his hand in mine once he's turned around, "but I know for sure your going to love it and that's all I'm telling you."

"Okay," He says, "I'm not even going to try persuading you to tell me because we all know how that will end."

In his utter humiliation. So he lets it go and we start on are day out.

As we begin walking down the familiar street in a comfortable silence I can sense that somethings bugging Shawn, he keeps stealing glances at me and I have no clue why.

"Shawn are you okay, you keep looking at me?" I ask him I'm a concerned way, coming to a sudden halt.

Shawn looks back at me, a smile gracing his face, "I'm perfectly fine India."

"Then why do you keep looking at me?" Confusion hitting me, was I supposed to understand why he kept doing it, maybe I'm just oblivious.

"Why wouldn't I." Is Shawn's simple response. My boy is a smooth talker that's for sure.

His three word sentence is all it takes to send a blush rising to my cheeks.

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