Ch. 41

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Authors notes: make sure to vote, comment and follow! Thank you for all your support, I hope to update more regularly but I can't promise anything since I'll be quite busy this year :)

[India's POV ] - not edited

Shawn. Shawn is standing right in front of me.

Give me a second. I need to breathe. My boyfriend, who is meant to be in Canada is right in front of me. My baby boy. My love.

"Shawnnn!!!" I scream, jumping into his strong arms. He pulls me into him as I wrap my Christmas pyjama clad legs around his torso. I pepper his face in kisses and he laughs as I do so.

After I pull my face away from his he whispers in my ear, his voice raspy, "Hello my love." Cue chills.

It takes me a second to reply, I'm still in shock. Him standing there all gorgeous and ugh, so perfect. His hair all curly and his eyes, oh his eyes. It's been way to long since I've seen that face of his.

"Hi baby..." I whisper and his mouth curves into an even bigger smile as he lets me down, I'm now looking up at him as he towers over me. My oversized giant, this is why I steal all your clothes.


"A surprise this is. What are you doing here Mendes? Not that I'm complaining because this is the best surprise ever but I'm totally confused." Turning around I ask my mum, "Did you know about this? Was this your idea?"

Putting her mug down on the ground she speaks up, "I did know but I can't take credit for this plan, I wish I could but I can't. It's your boyfriend you should be thanking." She says winking at me with a knowing look.

"Thank you Shawn!" I say, leaning up to kiss him on the lips, a feeling I have missed dearly.

"No problem darling but I've got another surprise for you." He says, a smirk now on his face.

"You have, have you Mendes?" I smirk, my arms still wrapped securely around his neck.

"Yes, and they're coming up the stairs right now..."

"Aaliyah? Karen? Manny?" I scream as I shove Shawn out of my way, looking around the corner and towards the stairs where my favourite people are standing. Ahhh.

"I always forget that you love my family more than me." Shawn says, his arms now wrapped around my waist, head on my shoulder as I look down the stairs.

"Surprise sister!"
"Surprise daughter-in-law!"

"Hi sister! Hi parents-in-law! Come on up stairs and give me a hug, I've missed you so much!"

"Me first!" Liyah claims and before nothing she's pushing Shawn from my body and wrapping her own arms around me. I'm not going to lie, I thought I was going to fall over with the amount of sheer force that she came at me with.

"Hey little missy, how have you been?" I ask her once we've pulled apart, arms now wrapped around each other's sides, her head on my shoulder.

"Great, thank you. School has been going pretty well but it's school so there's not much to say about it." She replies, making me giggle at her response.

"Anymore news on that boy from back when I was last over?"

Queue some heated cheeks from Liyah and a shocked look from Shawn. Oopsy. Looks like he didn't know about the boy and he's just a little overprotective.

"What boy?" Shawn questions raising his eyebrows while I get a slap on the head from Aaliyah.


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