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Authors notes: I'm so sorry I've not been regularly updated but I've been so busy with exams and what not. Hope you can understand, thank you :)

[ India's POV ] - editing...

"Hey Aaliyah, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks, did Shawn like his gift?"

Oh shit. Let me rewind a little bit incase you're confused. Before I left to visit my idiotic brother who managed to injure himself it was Shawn's birthday and I'd planned on surprising him with a personalised gift. A gift that I had not yet given him due to the hectic time we'd recently had.

"Well I'm taking that as a 'no'." Aaliyah says, "You do have it right?"

I immediately begin running around the hotel room in order to find where I'd put the gift, yes, I had actually remembered it despite the rush of the moment. Okay, I lied, I'd actually just kept it in my back pack for safe keeping and that just happened to be the bag I picked up. And thank god for that.

"In fact Liyah, I do." I say, smirking to myself proudly but I don't know why, she can't see me. Also because it was by complete accident and sheer luck that I just happened to have it, I'm an idiot.

"Well then, what are you doing? Go give it to Shawn." She ushers me through the phone.

As soon as she says this I make a move to exit the hotel room but just as my hand reaches the door knob something stops me and I'm frozen still, "What if he doesn't like it Liyah?"

I hear a 'hmphh' sound through the phone and then a voice speaks up, "India, haven't you realised that anything you get Shawn will like, and why you ask, because it's you. Honestly you could get him a pair of socks and he would love them." I can sense the seriousness in her voice despite the statements light heartedness.

I contemplate Aaliyah's words, twiddling Shawn's gift between my fingers, "You're right Li." I respond finally.

"Why are you surprised?" She asks making me laugh, she always know what to say at the right time.

"Thank you."

There's a pause before she replies, "For what?"

"For being the bestfriend/sister a girl could ask for. For accepting me wholeheartedly. And for so much more..."

"Stop. Your making me tear up and it will ruin my makeup."

"I'm sorry."

"Now go, go get your man."

"You sure you don't need me to wipe those tears..?"

"Shut up and call me later!"

"But-" before I could respond she cut the call, damn you Li.

So I pull up my big girl pants and make my way down to the gym where Shawn was, gift in hand. All the way there I give myself a pep talk and you may be asking why, or you may not be but either way I'm going to tell you: it's a special gift, not just a birthday gift and I want him to love it just as much as I do.

He'll love it, you know it, Aaliyah knows it, so do her parents and yours. You're good to go.

Yes I now I'm terrible at pep talks but give me some credit, inside I'm a bundle of nerves. Shawn just seems to make me nervous. A good nervous but sometimes, like in this circumstance, it can be quite annoying.

I only just realised that while I was giving myself an inner monologue I'd reached the gym. I can spot Shawn from where I'm standing, the transparent glass enabling me to do so easily. He's lifting some weights, managing to make it look so easy to do. He does it both effortlessly and attractively.

on the plane ride home [ Shawn Mendes fanfiction ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora