What had also surprised her was Lyric’s reaction to her news.  She thought he’d scoff at the fact she was joining a girl group but she figured he’d replace her quickly enough, probably with a singer who didn’t mind getting her kit off on stage and wrapping herself around him.  But actually he’d seemed genuinely disappointed she was leaving.

“But what about us?” he said.

“Us?  Lyric, you’ve made it pretty clear that you’re the talent in this set-up and am just a backing singer,” smiled Jadine.  “Besides, you’ll be able to find someone else easily enough.”

“I didn’t mean that,” said Lyric.

“What did you mean then?” asked Jadine.

“You know,” he said awkwardly.  “We’re mates and we’re always there for each other.”

“So?  We can still be mates,” said Jadine, hoping this wasn’t heading where she thought it was.

“But I thought…” Lyric trailed off, for once losing his tough-guy swagger, and reminding Jadine of the young lad she’d known since primary school, even though he was two years older than her.

Jadine wanted to ask him to carry on, but was afraid of what he might say.  She couldn’t handle another ‘deep and meaningful’ about their relationship.

As if sensing her reluctance, Lyric threw back his shoulders and said, “It doesn’t matter.  Like you say, backing singers are easy enough to replace.”

That wasn't really what she'd wanted to hear but she couldn't exactly complain.

“So, are you gonna become a total pop tart and wear mini-skirts and do bad Beyonce lip-synching?” taunted Lyric.

“Hardly,” said Jadine.  “Sherri’s said that she wants us all to keep it real.”

“Like that’s gonna last,” he sneered.

“And she wants us to write our own material,” said Jadine hotly.

“Yeah, right.  Before you can blink you’re gonna be part of some pop machine, churning out music for 8 year olds and singing about boyfriends and glitter.”

“I doubt it,” sniffed Jadine.  “And even if I did, it’d better than singing about knifing my foes or slapping up my ho’s!”

And those had been the last words Jadine had spoken to Lyric.  He’d since sent her a text message wishing her well and she’d had the grace to text back thanks and wish him the same.  She was going to miss Lyric - at least, the Lyric who’d valued her opinion and supported her, not the arrogant showoff he was fast becoming - but she was glad for the fresh start.  This was a blank canvas and she was ready to make her mark on the world.

“Rhian’s having a nap,” smiled Molly, as she came back into the room and plonked herself on the huge leather armchair in the corner.

“Cool,” said Jadine.  “Hey, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, about you and Derren McKenzie.”

As Molly shuffled in her chair, Amy walked in from the kitchen with two mugs of tea.  “What about you and Derren?” she said keenly.

“Nothing,” blushed Molly.

“I just thought Derren had the hots for Molly,” said Jadine, “but I shouldn’t have said anything.  I think I’ve embarrassed poor Molly.”

“Do you have the hots for him then?” asked Amy, as she sat down next to Jadine.

“God no!” said Molly.  “He’s a total player.  I bet he’s got a dozen girls on the go right now!”

Amy gave a tight smile and settled back with her brew.

“Besides, I’ve already got a boyfriend,” said Molly.  “Josh.  He’s a radio DJ back in Huddersfield.”

“Let’s hope he’ll be playing one of our hits, sometime soon then,” laughed Jadine.

“I’ll drink to that,” said Amy, chinking her mug against Jadine’s.

“So where’s Miss Diva?” chuckled Jadine.

“Olivia?” said Molly.  “She’s running herself a bath.”

“Oooooh!” cooed Amy.  “Better not make any noise then.  Don’t want to spoil her relaxation time!”

Jadine clocked that Molly was uncomfortable with the bitchy nature of their jesting and adopted a gentler approach.  “Maybe Olivia will be easier to get on with tomorrow.”

 “Just don’t wake her before 9am!” chuckled Molly, finally joining in with the joke, but in a good-natured way.

“Hey, I wonder how Rhian will feel tomorrow,” said Jadine.  “Do you think she’ll have a hangover?”

Molly smiled.  “She’ll have a major hangover!”

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