When he reached for his stethoscope, she swallowed hard.

"Does your throat hurt?" he asked.

"It's a little scratchy," she said as she took a quick sip of water.

He nodded as if that was to be expected and he held the stethoscope in his had to warm it up before he placed, it under her shirt collar to listen to her heart. The tip of his finger brushed her skin and she closed her eyes, feeling the heat of her lids against her eyeballs. Perhaps if she didn't look at him, she could pretend it was someone else reaching into her shirt.

Suddenly, the joke about playing doctor hit home and she gave a little giggle.

"That's nice to hear?" he said as he leaned her forward an rested her head on his shoulder, he was practically holding her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

She nodded, she was glad that he didn't ask what she had been giggling about, perhaps he thought she was only nervous, and he wouldn't be wrong.

He pulled her shirt up her back and Faye's heart went into double time again. He placed the stethoscope against her upper back and told her to breathe deeply. She did but it made her cough a little, he moved the stethoscope over and told her to breathe once more. He repeated the process a few more times before he lowered her shirt and help to set her back against the pillows once more.

"Everything seems fine so far, except for the temperature, which is to be expected. The medicine I just gave you should help. Are you tired?" he asked as he placed his stethoscope back into his bag.

She realized that she was and nodded then watched as he walked toward her and took the glass of water from her hand, setting it aside.

"Then let's go to bed," he said as he bent over and scooped her up, causing her to give a little squeak of surprise.

"I-I'm fine where I am!" she protested as she felt his massive arms curl around her, and his massive chest against her.

"I'm sure you are, but I don't want to keep getting out of bed to check on you all night, so you'll share mine, don't worry, I'm not in the habit of taking advantage of women in distress," he said drily.

"It's not that! What if I get you sick?" she asked, looking up at his handsome face that was so close to hers.

"I almost never get sick, but don't worry, if I do, I'll let you return the favor and play doctor with me." He gave her a wicked grin and Faye felt herself blush to the roots of her hair. He must have guessed what she had been thinking earlier, either that or he had had the same thought.

Faye could think of nothing to say so she let him take her to the bedroom and lay her down in his bed. The cool sheets felt like bliss against her skin and she rubbed her face against the pillow. This caused him to feel her heated skin once more with a frown.

He left her and returned shortly with a damp washcloth and a bowl of water. "Here, this might help you feel a little better," he said as he sat next to her and rested the washcloth against her forehead and Faye let out a sigh of relief.

"That's nice," she murmured, as she started to drift, when the washcloth worked its way down her neck, she started to wonder how far he was going to take it, maybe he was going to give her a complete sponge bath, but a few moments later the washcloth was gone, and he was tucking a thin sheet around her.

She closed her eyes and turned over on her side, facing away from him as she heard him start to get ready for bed. She snuck a little peek in the mirror that hung over the fireplace at the end of the bed and saw him taking off his shirt. She took a moment to admire the dusting of blond hair over his very broad chest and the way his waist narrowed, there was a hint of muscle definition, but he wasn't overly built, just enough to know that he took care of himself.

When he reached for his belt buckle Faye closed her eyes tight, suddenly shy. She had seen plenty of naked men as a nurse, but Silas was different. She listened as he continued to get ready for bed, she heard a drawer open and close, he left and there was running water, then he returned and settled into bed next to her, turning out the light.

Faye felt him turn towards her and when he gathered her close, Faye couldn't suppress the gasp that escaped her throat at the shock of his body next to hers. He had on pajama bottoms, but his torso was bare.

"I'll make you sick and I'm too hot, I'll make you hot," she objected, but she didn't pull away.

"Are those your only objections to me holding you?" he asked softly.

"Yes," Faye said just as softly.

"Then let me enjoy holding you, I've thought about it for to long to let the opportunity pass," he whispered in her ear, and she felt a shiver that wasn't due to the flu race up her spine.

"You have?" she whispered.

"I have," he confirmed. "Now let's get some rest. Hopefully, you'll feel better in the morning."

Faye nodded, thinking that there was no way she would sleep with his arms around her, she had never had a man hold her before, but in the end, the flu won and she fell asleep in Silas's arms.

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