What's wrong?

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This is the second to last chapter in this story, I'm sorry to say it's coming to a close. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Toni's POV.

"Cheryl! Cheryl please, just listen to me!" I yelled after her, as she walked down the cobbled streets of the Southside.

I couldn't lose her. I refused to.

"Cheryl!! She kissed me! What can I do to make you believe that??"

"There's nothing, Toni. I can't listen to you breaking up with me, I have to go." Cheryl replied with tears streaming down her face.

"What? Cheryl I would never!" But she had already walked on far ahead. I knew there was no point running after her.

She would just get more angry, and I couldn't have that. I knew I had to give her time.

Walking back into the pub, I saw Scarlett with a grin across her face. She knew. She knew about Cheryl, yet I didn't tell her.

"Guess Penelope will be pleased with me. You led her right to her grasps. And I got to kiss those pretty lips of yours."

Penelope. Of course. That cold hearted bitch always had something to do with Cheryl and mines relationship, and it seemed our non-official break up too.

Wait. She said I led her to Penelope's grasps. What does that mean?!!

"Allerton! Tell me right now! Where. Is. Cheryl?!"

She chuckled to herself, smiling maliciously. "Let's just say the Southside isn't the safest place for a gullible girl like her."

"Get out."


"Get out now, before I call in a favour from Malcolm, and get him to mess up that face of yours."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me!"

"Fine, I'll go, but remember, Penelope is always five steps ahead of you."

She stormed out of the Wrym, grabbing her bag as she left. Now all I had left to do was save Cheryl from her god-awful mother. And find a way to get my soulmate to forgive me.

I was about to find Sweet Pea, before I got a call from the hospital. Is this about Cheryl?

I quickly answered, expecting some news, or at least hoping.

"Hello. Is this Toni Topaz?"

"Yes, that's me, how can I help you?"

"A girl was delivered to us, Cheryl Blossom, from the police. A citizen found her lying on the streets, and she was only saying one word: Toni."

"I understand, is she okay?"

"We believe she will be, is there any chance you could come to the hospital, she is more likely to wake up soon, if she is surrounded by familiar people. We already called up her cousin, and she is on her way."

"Thanks, yes, I will be right there."

I jumped on my motorcycle, and raced down to the hospital, ignoring the speed limits.

I entered the hospital, and I was met with a scary sight..

Is Cheryl okay?? Read more to find out!

Bye then.

Never Gonna Leave You - Choni.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin