Teasing Topaz.

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This is the first chapter in Toni's POV. Enjoy.

"Shut it Sweets!" I snapped, annoyed with him. Since I woke up this morning, they have been going on and on about my soulmate. I mean litterally, I was preparing my breakfast when i heard a loud knock on the door. Not an angry knock, like my uncle, but a determined one nonetheless.

I wasn't going to tell them that easily,
even purposefully wearing a long sleeved jumper to bug him off. Before getting dressed, I looked at my soulmate mark once more. Yes, it was still there, etched into my skin.


Cheryl Blossom, the Northside princess, the HBIC even at 11 was my soulmate. Well, Toni couldn't deny that she thought this girl did look good. Ah well, her reputation probably means nothing. Even though she was a Northsider.

"Come on Topaz! Tell us!" Fangs begged me. He was born in September so we all knew what his soulmate mark said. Kevin. As in, Kevin Keller, Sheriff Keller's son. He really lucked out there.

Ok, I was too lazy to right more. Sorry about that.

Never Gonna Leave You - Choni.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz