Kangs reunion.

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So, here is the reunion of Kangs. Also, one of my favourite songs up at the top, thought I'd add it. Cheryl's POV. Enjoy.

I entered Riverdale High and looked around for Toni. Instead she was the one who found me. She crept up behind me and tapped me on the back.

"Cheryl, I need your help. It's about Fangs." Toni said, looking worried. Fangs? What did I have to do with Fangs? The only reason I knew him was that he was Toni's friend and Kevin's boyfriend. Why was she coming to me?

"Cheryl. Kangs is over and we need to fix it!" She told me. Oh no, Kangs!!

"I wonder how Kevin is feeling. Should I go talk to him?" I asked.

"Yes please. And Betty can come with you, if you want?"

"I'm okay, Cousin Betty and her sad breakfast club are too busy to care about anyone else." I mean, sure it's mean, but it's also true.

"Hey! Jughead's one of them!" Toni responded angrily.

"Oh yeah. Sorry TT, at least he cares about the serpents." I replied.

"Yeah, I actually better go find him. Thanks for doing this, yeah?"

"No problem," I said as she started to walk away, "Actually, before you go, can I get your number, just so I can update you on how it, um, you know, goes."

That may or may not be only a half truth. I may or may not also want her number because I may or may not have a teensy weensy crush on her.

"Uh, yeah, definitely. It's ##### #####." She replied, while blushing profusely, "Got it?"


"Ok, great, I really must get going. See you around Bombshell."


God, I was such a doofus around her...

*Toni's POV*

I got her number!! Even without me having to awkwardly ask!!

Yay, yay, yay, yay, YAY!!!

Ok, sorry it's so short. Also I have a quick, very serious question: Would you rather, Penelope accidentally died in a car crash, or you discovered the identity of the Gargoyle King?

Bye for now.

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