The Date.

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Here is the date between Choni. Hope you enjoy. Toni's POV.

I had my date with Cheryl today, and to say I was excited was an understatement. She was the HBIC of Riverdale, and I was the lowly biker gang girl. It was amazing that she was my soulmate.

(A/N I know nothing about fashion, so just picture what you think she would wear)

I pulled up on my motorbike in front of Pop's and saw my soulmate sitting at the window. I wonder how long she's been there?

I checked my watch. I was on time, guess she was just naturally early. I don't know how she does it, I barely wake up in time for school.

Entering Pop's I saw the core four in their usual booth. Betty and Jughead entwined and Veronica and Archie... apart? Huh, that's odd, they were usually so close. I'll ask Jughead about it later.

I have a date to go to.

"Hey Cheryl, you look amazing." I grinned as I said that. I mean, it was true, but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Thank you, so do you." That made me blush, even though I know she was just returning the compliment.

I sat down across from her, placing my bag beside me.

"You know, I'm actually quite hungry, instead of just a milkshake, you want to eat here?" She asked, she was right, I was also quite peckish.

"Yeah, alright. I get to spend more time with you, so I'm happy." I cringed at my line, but she just smiled.

God, she was so cute when she smiled,  guess I just have to spend the rest of the night making sure it happens.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah, I think I am."

Like clockwork, Pop turned up by our table. He was such a sweet man, he deserves more credit.

"Hi, please can I have a strawberry milkshake with twin cherries and a cheeseburger with small fries" Cheryl ordered.

"Small fries, got it. And you?" Pop smiled gently.

"Oh, um, please can I have a chocolate milkshake with sprinkles and a chocolate twirl." I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Got it. And for the meal?"

"Same as Cheryl, just regular fries."

"Alright, it should be ready soon."

"Thank you." We said in unison, both laughing.

As soon as I could I shouted, "Jinx, padlock!" Yes, I was childish.

"Wait, no! I take that back, I want you to talk!" I said.

"You really are something else. Are you sure you are 18? You're short enough." Oof, low blow.

"Are you really going to bring my height into this?"

"Yes, so deal with it." She mocked.

"How dare you!" I jested, hoping to make her smile.

It worked.

A few conversations later, a sip of milkshake here and there, and my ferocious burger eating, we were ready to leave.

I paid, before Cheryl could even open her mouth.

"I'm paying you back!"

"No you're not!"

It really was a matter of my ego. And I had took on so many extra shifts at the Wyrm so I had to pay.

We left, hand in hand, as I delivered her to the devil's den.

Hope that was good, also thanks for the crazy amount of views! It's insane!

Bye then.

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