Fixing Kangs.

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Cheryl's POV. Enjoy.

"Cheryl, why, exactly, are you bugging me about this? I thought it was a Serpent issue?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, but that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about." I told him, knowing it would make his ears prick.

"Ooh, info! So, do you like one of them? Have you gone out? Have you kissed??" He asked, like the typical Kevin.

"No tea until you let me help!"

Ha, I have him cornered! He can never resist tea.

"Oh, you sly, well-dressed devil! Okay fine!" He began, "Fangs is perfect. He literally is. But, he doesn't believe it. He always thinks that he doesn't deserve me or some other stupid shit! I don't think I'm helping him anymore, so I've decided to do the only thing I can do: stay away."

"Kev! That is not how you help someone for crying out loud! Now he'll think he doesn't deserve you at all. God, can't you see your stupidity!"

"Crap." Was all Kevin said, and I knew I had convinced him, "What the hell do I do? He probably hates me now!"

"Kevin, you idiot, he doesn't hate you. He's completely and utterly in love with you!"

"Do you know where he is?"

"No, but you should go look for him before it is too late."

"Got it!" And with that, he rushed off, in search of his Soulmate.

As for me, I decided to go find my soulmate, to tell her the job was done.

First one of the two this weekend. Sorry for not updating last week, I had an exam for a private school (no, not a posh one, an academic one).

Never Gonna Leave You - Choni.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя