Chapter 2

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*Niall's POV*

"Who booked this stupid trip?!" yelled Zayn. "I don't wanna stay on some stupid ranch!"

He was just mad cause he wanted to spend our time off in some amazing place like New York City but we all voted on going to a dude ranch. I always wanted to see a real cowboy. It was called Circle R Ranch and it was 10,000 acres. Hope I dont get lost.

"Well you guys, I think it will be fun! We can all become cowboys!" I yelled.

"How long is this car ride?" whined Harry.

"Two Hours." said Liam. We all groaned.

"Well them I'm going to sleep then. Wake me when we get there." I said as I pulled my hood over my head. Should be and interesting day.

*Sierra's POV*

I had all the horses tacked up and in their stalls, when a black SUV pulled up and parked next to my 4 door 2005 jacked up Chevy Silverado. It was my baby and whenever I took it somewhere all the country boys would drool. They were all just jealous. I swear if one of those city slickers put a dent in my truck they would be dead. Nobody messes with my horses, my truck, or my family. Its just a country thing.

The radio was still blaring country music so I slipped on my boots, turned off the radio and went out to meet them in the yard. A tall boy with brown curly hair jumped out of the back followed by another tall boy with brown hair and a short blond one. Another two boys jumped out of the driver and passenger seats. Wow, I had to admit they were all pretty cute. I probably just stood there staring like an idiot.

Speak! I silently shouted at myself.

"Uh, hi! I'm Sierra." I said. I was usually never this shy.

"Hi. I'm Liam," said the tall one that was driving. He seemed responsible so maybe he could keep these other four reined in. They had that wild look in their eyes that kinda scared me. "And this is Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn."

They all said hi and gave a lil wave, which was actually quite cute. All of a sudden-


The screen door flew open and hit the house and all siz dogs came running out to greet the new people. My dog, Jeb, unfortunatly could not control his excitement and jumped up on Niall and knocked him to the ground. Oh My God! What if they were afraid of dogs?!

I ran over and dragged the huge yellow lab off of him and put all the dogs in the house. No treats for them tonight!

"I am so sorry! They usually never do-" I said but I stopped when I saw all five guys laughing their heads off.

"Its fine, love! We love dogs!' said Louis. Oh thank you, Lord!

"Well thats good! They hate being cooped up so...anyways, welcome to Circle R Ranch!" I said rather awkwardly. "Let me show you to your cabin. Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"FOOD!" yelled Niall. Strange kid...

"Do you have any carrots?" asked Louis. Carrots for breakfast? Was he like part rabbit or somethin?

"Um, yeah, I think so..."

"Yes!! They have carrots out here!"

I just shook my head at that one. What did he think? That we lived out in the desert?

As I went to the back of the SUV to grab a bag, they stopped me.

"What are you doing, love?" asked Zayn. They were all giving me weird looks.

"Um, I was going to grab your bags and show you to your cabin."

"We can't let you do that!" said Liam

"Yeah, we can't let a pretty cowgirl like you carry our stuff!" said Harry. I have to admit that one made me blush a little.

"Thank you." I said quietly. The others guests usually made me carry all their stuff. Especially the little city girls that were so stuck up and did nothing but lay around and flirt with my brothers their entire stay.

I dashed up to porch, let the dogs out, and grabbed the keys to the cabin they would be staying in. It was our delux cabin that had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and huge TV room.

When I went back out I saw the boys talking to my older brothers. They seemed kinda scared but who could blame them? My brothers were intimidating at first because they were so tall and muscular but they were really nice and caring. And of course protective over their baby sister. Which means I have never had a boyfriend... Its kinda sad actually.

I saved the boys from my brothers by showing the boys to their cabin and told them they could find me in the barn when they were done. They all seemed like real nice, down-to-earth guys. Wonder why the look so familiar...

*Harry's POV*

"She seems like a real nice girl." says Liam. He always had something nice to say. Thats why everyone liked him.

"I think she's cute." mumbled Niall through a mouthful of chips. I swear that boy never stops eating.

"What? You fancy her, Niall?" I chuckled and he blushed. Wow, we were only here for an hour and he already had a crush.

"Fine. Good luck with her brothers. They seem a little over protective of that girl." said Louis from one of the bedrooms. We were going to have to share beds and I was sharing with my boo bear. Then Niall and Liam were sharing and Zayn had a room to himself.

"Who are we talking about?" asked Zayn as he came out of the bathroom. He was probably checking out his hair.

"The cute cowgirl we met that Niall fancies." I said.

"Oh, well who can blame him? She is really pretty, nice, and down-to-earth." he said.

"Yeah, I'm surprised she didn't recognize who we were!" said Liam.

"Well I don't think she listens to our music. Did you hear the music coming through that radio?! It sounded horrible!" shouted Louis.

"Its called country, you guys." said Niall. This time he was eating a sandwhich.

"Country is werid..." I mumbled. It was the truth. Everyone wore jeans and boots and cowboy hats. Strange place...

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