Chapter 40: Mycroft?

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"Well, what?" Sherlock asks.
"We're not actually going to discuss this, are we?" Mycroft says, turning to John. I'm sorry, Doctor Watson. You're a fine man in many respects." He looks back at Sherlock, "Make your goodbyes and shoot him."
"You what?" You say, not believing him for a second, he knows what John means to Sherlock. He points at John and raises his voice,
"Shoot him!" John steps closer to him,
"What?" Mycroft glances at him for a brief second and then turns back to Sherlock.
"Shoot Doctor Watson. There's no question who has to continue from here. It's us, you and me. Whatever lies ahead requires brainpower, Sherlock, not sentiment. Don't prolong his agony. Shoot him."
"Do I get a say in this?" John asks. Mycroft turns to him.
"Today, we are soldiers. Soldiers die for their country. I regret, Doctor Watson, that privilege is now yours." John glares at him for a moment before dropping his head,
"Shit." He turns to Sherlock. "He's right." He pauses, "He is, in fact, right." Mycroft keeps his eyes on John and says,
"Make it swift. No need to prolong his agony. Get it over with and we can get to work." John shifts, then he straightens up, bracing himself. Sherlock lowers his head. He'll never do it. John means everything to him. Surely Mycroft can see that? Mycroft scoffs at Sherlock's hesitancy, then chuckles without humour,
"God!" He puts his hands in his pockets, grinning. "I should have expected this." You look at him and his smile drops and he sneers, "Pathetic. You always were the slow one the idiot. That's why I've always despised you. You shame us all. You shame the family name." That's a lie, his parents adore him, and Mycroft couldn't hate him if he tried. "Now, for once in your life, do the right thing. Put this stupid little man out of all our misery." You glance at John who's not looking at any of you. "Shoot him."
"Stop it." Sherlock says quietly.
"Look at him. What is he? Nothing more than a distraction, a little scrap of ordinariness for you to impress, to dazzle with your cleverness. You'll find another." Oh, God. Mycroft doesn't mean any of it, he's making this easier for Sherlock.
"Please, for God's sake, just stop it."
"Why?" Sherlock turns to him,
"Because, on balance, even your Lady Bracknell was more convincing." Mycroft lifts his head, and looks at Sherlock with a sorrowful expression. Sherlock turns his head towards John,
"Ignore everything he just said. He's being kind. He's trying to make it easy for me to kill him." Out of the corner of your eye you see John turn his head to Mycroft, shocked. You keep your eyes on Mycroft as he reaches up to smooth his hair a little and gives a small smile to his brother. "Which is why this is going to be so much harder." He turns to face Mycroft and raises the gun, pointing it at him. You turn away, look at the screen in front of you, and see Eurus's eyes widening.
"You said you liked my Lady Bracknell."
"Sherlock. Don't. Please." You whisper. Mycroft turns to you,
"I'm afraid it's not your decision, [Y/N]." Mycroft turns back to Sherlock. "Not in the face, though, please. I've promised my brain to the Royal Society." Sherlock pauses for a second,
"Where would you suggest?"
"Well," he fiddles with the top button of his shirt. "I suppose there is a heart somewhere inside me." He looks down and adjusts his tie. "I don't imagine it's much of a target but, why don't we try for that?" You stand in front of  Sherlock,
"I won't allow this." You look back at Mycroft, who regards you seriously,
"This is my fault." He averts his gaze to Sherlock. "Moriarty."
"Moriarty?" Sherlock says.
"Her Christmas treat. Five minutes' conversation with Jim Moriarty five years ago."
"What did they discuss?"
"Five minutes' conversation unsupervised." John's mouth opens and he stumbles back. Mycroft looks back at you. As John continues to back away, Sherlock sighs softly and raises the gun again. Mycroft straightens up and looks at him,
"Goodbye, brother mine. No flowers, my request."
"Sweet peas." You say, remembering what they mean - departure after a good time. He looks at you surprised. "And daisies. You'll have sweet peas and daisies." Daisies - meaning loyal love. He gives you an anguished smile, knowing what you're trying to say, and thinking of all that could have been. Sherlock holds firmly onto the trigger and takes aim. On the screen behind him, Eurus speaks excitedly, her eyes wide
"Jim Moriarty thought you'd make this choice. He was so excited." The lights turn red and Jim appears on the screen,
"And here we are, at the end of the line. Holmes killing Holmes." Mycroft shifts uncomfortably while tears pour down your cheeks, "This is where I get off." The lights go white and Eurus is back on the screen.
"Five minutes. It took her just five minutes to do all of this to us." Sherlock says, through gritted teeth. He turns to  John, then you. Sherlock returns his gaze to Mycroft, then shrugs and lowers the gun, "Well, not on my watch." Mycroft looks at him, startled. You and John turn to look at him.
"What are you doing?" Eurus asks, actually looking concerned.
"A moment ago, a brave man asked to be remembered. I'm remembering the governor." He holds the pistol in both hands, and lifts the muzzle to press the end under his chin.
"Ten..." Eurus frowns at him.
"Sherlock?" You say, quietly.
"No, no, Sherlock." Eurus raises her voice. John looks briefly to Mycroft and you then back to Sherlock.
"Nine..." Sherlock continues. You all stare at Sherlock in horror.
"You can't!"
"You don't know about Redbeard yet." She tries to convince him.
"Sherlock, stop that at once!" As she yells at him, a small dart fires out of a hole in the wall and hits the back of Sherlock's neck. He jolts and reaches his left hand round to it.
"Four..." You see another dart shoot out into the back of John's neck. He reaches round for it as well, as Sherlock pulls the dart from his own neck.
"Three..." Mycroft also gets hit by a dart. You see Sherlock look at it in his hand, with the gun still under his chin,
"Two..." he whispers, weakly. Then suddenly all three of them collapse. You rush to Mycroft, checking his pulse. Steady. Thank God. You turn to check John and Sherlock. Both fine. Unconscious but relatively fine. A panel in the wall slides open and reveals a corridor.
"Go through the door, Miss [Y/L/N]." Eurus tells you.
"And what if I decline?" At those words an armed guard steps towards the door. You roll your eyes, "Boring." You hesitate still, looking down at your unconscious boys on the floor.
"The Holmes' will be alive the next time you see them." She assures you.
"And John?" She smiles at you,
"If Sherlock plays properly he'll survive." I guess that's as good as it'll get. With that you set off down the corridor towards the governor's office. Time for a one on one chat with Eurus. This'll be fun.

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