Chapter 17: Watching Sherlock

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You're stood with a government official waiting for Mycroft. Soon after sending a message from his phone he approaches you both,
"For God's sake. I was talking to the prime minister."
"Then you'll be glad I've just rescued you." You answer.
"I am sorry, Mr Holmes. It's your brother," the man next to you says, nervously. Mycroft raises his eyebrows. "He's left his flat."
"Was it on fire?" Mycroft asks. You smirk.
"Shall we?" You say, gesturing towards the door. He gives you a smile as you turn and walk out together.

You both enter a surveillance room full of computers with maps and camera footage, tracking Sherlock. You notice Ashton at one of the computers. So this is where Mycroft put him.
"We can keep tabs. You didn't have to come in," Lady Smallwood tells Mycroft.
"I was talking to the prime minister," he says.
"Oh, I see." Mycroft turns and looks at the camera footage which shows Sherlock walking through the streets.
"What's he doing? Why's he just wandering about like a fool?"
"She died, Mycroft. He's probably still in shock."
"Everybody dies. It's the one thing human beings can be relied upon to do. How can it still come as a surprise to people?"
"Mycroft." You interrupt.
"You sound cross. Am I going to be taken away by security again?" You smirk at that. I'm not that lucky.
"I have, I think, apologised extensively." As if he needs to.
"You haven't made it up to me."
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Sex." Ashton mutters quietly. You smack him over the back of the head. Jerk. "Jealous?" He asks you. Mycroft tries calling John. Like he'd answer Mycroft. Several agents including Ashton start to laugh, you and Mycroft turn to them,
"What is it? What now?" He asks.
"Sorry. Um, traced his route on the map." Ashton explains. Mycroft and Lady Smallwood lean forward to look at the screen. From where you're stood all you can see is...

You can't see the first letter but you can clearly guess what it is

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You can't see the first letter but you can clearly guess what it is. You and Mycroft look at some security footage to see Sherlock raising a can of energy drink in salute towards the camera before taking a swig. The camera shuts off. You stifle a laugh at Mycroft's expression. He sighs,
"Is he with someone?"
"Not sure. We keep losing visual. Mostly we're tracking his phone." You sigh as well. For the British Government it's still pretty hard to get access to security cameras in time. Mycroft finally gets an answer from John,
"I'm trying to sleep. Can you stop ringing my damn phone?" You hear John say from the other end of the line.
"Sherlock has left his flat for the first time in a week, so I'm having him tracked."
"Nice. It's very touching how you can hijack the machinery of the state to look after your own family. Can I go to sleep now?"
"Sherlock gone rogue is a legitimate security concern. The fact that I'm his brother changes absolutely nothing. It didn't the last time and I assure you it won't with-" He stops himself and pauses, you frown at him. "...with Sherlock." He finishes. What happened last time? What's he talking about? Another Holmes?
"Sorry, what?"
"Please phone me if he gets in contact. Thank you." He hangs up immediately. You look at him but he turns to Lady Smallwood,
"Do you still speak to Sherrinford?" She asks him. Sherrinford? That's new.
"I get regular updates."
"Sherrinford is secure." Seems like a touchy subject for Mycroft. He walks away and you follow. I'll ask him later when it's more likely that he'll answer me.

Three weeks later from Sherlock's wandering adventure you're in a red Aston Martin speeding fast along the main road being chased by several police cars. As the car spins around a roundabout you turn the radio up louder, blasting out Beethoven's Ode to Joy. Did I mention there's also a helicopter trailing behind the police? This is brilliant. The car skids around onto a residential road, as a police car closes in at the front the car is pulled into a perfect U-turn and crashes into several bins. As all the cars stop you see John open the front door of the house you both pulled in front of. Yes both. Did I also forget to say that MRS HUDSON is the one who was driving like crazy? That was awesome! She is the definition of incredible.
"Well now... won't you introduce me?" You hear the woman next to John ask him. That's probably his new therapist. Mrs Hudson and you get out of the car. As you both walk towards John a policeman approaches you,
"Right, you there. Stop right where you are."
"What?" Mrs Hudson says, stopping as she turns to the officer.
"Mrs Hudson..." John says. He's obviously confused about what's happening. So would I.
"Do you have any idea what speed you were going at?" The policeman asks Mrs Hudson and you. You smile at that.
"Well, of course not. I was on the phone." She passes the phone to you which you hand to the policeman.
"It's for you, by the way." You tell him.
"For me?" He takes the phone.
"It's the government." You say, turning away.
"The what?" As you walk away you can hear Mycroft from the other end of the line.
"My name is Mycroft Holmes and I am speaking to you from the Cabinet Office..." I bet he loves doing that. He's not even in the Cabinet today. John still looks shocked,
"Look at the state of you! Mrs H, what have you been doing?" You look at the policeman who seems quite impressed with talking to Mycroft, he's taken his hat off. You turn back to Mrs Hudson who's gesturing to the helicopter. "What's happened?" John asks.
"It's Sherlock!" She breaks down in tears and pulls John into a hug. "You've no idea what I've been through!"
You haven't been to the Baker Street flat in about four weeks. Sherlock won't let you in. So you've been staying at Mycroft's house. So Mrs Hudson phoned you to tell you what happened with Sherlock.

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