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You, Mycroft, and Sherlock are all in Mycroft's office with Mr and Mrs Holmes sat in the chairs opposite Mycroft who's sat behind his desk. Sherlock is near the door and you're stood close to Mycroft. He's been telling his parents all about Eurus.
"Alive?! For all these years?" Mrs Holmes gasps, staring in shock at Mycroft. "How is that even possible?!"
"What Uncle Rudy began," he pauses slightly, lowering his gaze. "I thought it best to continue." Mrs Holmes looks at him angrily,
"I'm not asking how you did it, idiot boy, I'm asking how could you?"
"I was trying to be kind." He raises his head to look at her.
"Kind?! Kind? You told us that our daughter was dead." She tears up at that.
"Better that than tell you what she had become." He pauses. "I'm sorry." His father stands up and leans on the table.
"Whatever she became, whatever she is now, Mycroft, she remains our daughter."
"And my sister."
"Then you should have done better."
"He did his best." Sherlock protests, quietly.
"Then he's very limited." Mrs Holmes says. Well what else would be able to do? What else could he do? You open your mouth to say something but Mycroft looks at you, and you shut your mouth. Mycroft looks towards Sherlock, unable to look at his parents'.
"Where is she?" Mr Holmes asks.
"Back in Sherrinford: secure, this time." He finally looks at his parents. "People have died. Without doubt she will kill again if she has the opportunity. There's no possibility she'll ever be able to leave." Mr Holmes straightens and asks,
"When can we see her?" Mycroft looks up at him.
"There's no point."
"How dare you say that?" Mrs Holmes gasps. Mycroft closes his eyes,
"She won't talk. She won't communicate with anyone in any way. She has passed beyond our view. There are no words that can reach her now." Mrs Holmes turns to look at Sherlock,
"Sherlock." He raises his head to look at her. "Well? You were always the grown-up." Mycroft raises his head and looks towards Sherlock. "What do we do now?" Sherlock turns his head away slightly, looking thoughtful.
"She still has them," Mycroft says quietly to you. You turn to him, frowning,
"Has what?"
"The shoes."
"Is she allowed to keep them?"
"Do you want her to?"
"If she wants them." He frowns at you,
"It gives proof to my theory."
"Which is?"
"That Moriarty manipulated her."
"I think you're overestimating his abilities."
"Trust me, Mycroft, I don't think I am." He shifts a little,
"How does her keeping your shoes relate to Moriarty?" You stay quiet, looking at the floor. "[Y/N]?" You take a deep breath,
"You know about what happened to my fiancé." He nods. "You didn't find his name though, did you? When you looked?" He shakes his head.
"His name was James Moriarty. And he faked his death."

You step into the lift and pause as it takes you down a level. When it stops and the door opens you step out and walk towards the glass. You step past the three feet warning line and address the person sat inside,
"Hello Holmes." She turns to you,
"[Y/N]." You survey each other for a moment before she says, "I thought no-one was allowed to see me anymore?" You laugh,
"Technically I am no-one; the new staff believe that I'm... how did they put it, 'too strong willed' and 'will not be easily manipulated'. I think that means that I'm incredibly stubborn and wouldn't stop pestering them." She smiles at you,
"I can see why James liked you so much." You glance at the bed she's sat on and see your shoes. So she was allowed to keep them. She stands up and walks over to the hatch at the side of you. "He left you this." She pulls something small out of her pocket and puts in the hatch. You bend down and pull out a memory stick. After all that's happened she's still giving this to me. Either I've softened another Holmes or James has planned this. You turn it over in your hand.
"Thanks, Eurus. I'll see you around." You turn to walk out.
"He's not dead." You spin back to her,
"Oh, I know."
"What are you going to do about it?" You walk back to the lift.
"Absolutely no idea. But I do know one thing."
"Which is?" You grin at her as you press the 'up' button.
"The game is on." The door closes in front of you and the lift takes you up. Cue the dramatic music. You walk down the corridor towards the exit, then you see the new governor. Pause the music. You walk up to her as she turns and sees you,
"I suppose I should thank you for approving me." Lady Smallwood says. "Or was this just a way of getting rid of me?" You both laugh.
"I think we should put all that behind us and start again." You tell her. She puts her hand out for you to shake,
"Alicia Smallwood." You shake her hand,
"[Y/N] [Y/L/N]." You spot Mycroft waiting for you at the door.
"Just so you know, he's all yours." You turn to her, surprised.
"I thought you two were going out for drinks or something?" She shakes her head,
"We're different people. Besides, you two go well together." You nod, because it's much easier than explaining that whilst Mycroft means a lot to you, your ex-fiancé as returned from the dead and you'd much rather handle that before beginning a relationship.
"I'll see you later then, Alicia." You say, and head over to where Mycroft's stood,
"Ready to go?"
"Of course." You shrug on your coat and reach for your umbrella. A spider crawls across the handle and you leap back with a shriek, throwing the umbrella away rapidly. Mycroft looks back at you sharply. "Spider." You tell him. He picks up your umbrella and shakes the spider off,
"One of Britain's most feared operatives."
"It surprised me." You defend yourself. He gives you an unconvinced hum,
"And the holes in our walls aren't from you attempting to shoot any insect on a regular basis?"
"Holes? I'm one of the country's best sharp shooters, I don't miss." You both laugh. There's a pause before you ask,
"Well you have been living there for a while now."
"I don't pay the bills though do I?"
"I wasn't aware you'd want to, though it can be arranged."
"No thank you."
"Oh I insist."
"Well, on a completely unrelated note, I will be moving out." You both laugh as you walk towards the helicopter which will take you home.

Unknown to you, Lady Smallwood continues to watch you both. Her new assistant walks up to her.
"Interesting, that [Y/L/N] girl." Her assistant looks briefly at your retreating figures, then turns her attention back to Lady Smallwood who continues, "She could be the making of him – or make him worse than ever. Either way, we'd better upgrade their surveillance status. Grade Five Active." Her assistant looks at her confused,
"Sorry, ma'am. Whose status?" She stares intensely out the window, nodding towards you both as you climb into the helicopter smiling at one another,

"Mycroft Holmes and [Y/N] [Y/L/N]."

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