Chapter 13💜

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Klarissa's POV

My body was still tingling from when Lily had taken my crop top off. And my face was still red from seeing her in that dress.

She looked so freaking good.
I hoped that the more I got to know her as a friend, my crush on her would go away. But it was quite the opposite. I was crushing hard on Lily. My new best friend.

We sat down at a cafe together, ordering our meals.

"It's nice to get my mind off things, and hang out with you. A friend who actually cares," I said.

"Same here. Life can get so hard. I like to keep myself busy so I don't have to think too much about things," Lily said, staring somewhere behind me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, as she seemed upset. Maybe something was going on at home.

"Yeah-yeah. I'm fine," she said, looking down.

"You don't look fine," I said gently. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, no. I promise," she said, pulling herself together and smiling.

"Okay then. But you know you can tell me anything, right? I'm your friend," I smiled at her.

She smiled back; "Yeah, I know, thanks. I just worry too much about everything. I'm a worrier," she said, shrugging.

"My thoughts in my head just won't leave me alone," she had a blank look on her face, and there was nothing I wanted to do more than hold her, and kiss her.

"I relate," I said simply. Then we were disrupted from our serious conversation when the waiter served our food. It was the most delicious-looking food I had ever seen in my life.

I had a BLT toastie, and Lily had a fresh vegetable wrap. It was absolutely delicious, and we ate in a comfortable silence, savouring every bite of our food which filled our hungry stomach's.

"That was so good," Lily said, smiling.

"So good!" I said, enthusiastically.

Then Lily's face changed, as she looked at something behind me.

"Girls..." Daryl whistled, standing beside the table and leaning on it.

"Fuck off," I said, knowing he meant no good.

I could tell by the way he was looking at Lily that he wanted her to be his next victim. He didn't even glance my way.

Lily's face was also red. I noticed with a start that she was blushing incredibly red. Shit, I hoped she didn't like him like every other straight girl in the school.

"What's happening here?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows when neither of us answered to his greeting.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I yelled at him.

"You don't want me here? That explains everything. But I can't just leave you on your romantic date so quickly,"

"Romantic?" I asked, laughing.
"It's called friendship. Some of us have it,"

Lily was still quiet, looking anywhere but at him.

"So your telling me that the two girls who don't want me to tear their clothes off and fuck them aren't lesbians. As if," he rolled his eyes.

"You've never had sex before, according to Kiara and Sarah," He said, pointing at me.

"And you," He turned around to point at Lily.
"Fractured my dick in your desperation to get away from me. No straight girl would ever do that. I'm the hottest a guy can get, so if you don't like me, you must be lesbians," He shrugged. What? Had Lily been a victim of his rape, and hurt him to get away? I couldn't believe it.

"So unless you let me get inside your fucking body," he grabbed Lily's arm.

"I will post these pictures everywhere," he opened his phone to show shots of Lily unclipping my crop top. My face was bright red. If people saw that picture, it would be taken in the absolute wrong way. I had no idea how he had got that picture.

We were both speechless, and he grabbed Lily's arm and pulled her up from her chair with force.

"You fractured my dick. So to make up for it, I'm going to fracture you with my dick. You won't get out of it this time,"

I stood up quickly, punching him, and attracting a lot of public attention. But I didn't care.

A random person pulled me away from him.

"If you keep hitting him, I will call 000," they said, holding me back.

"He's going to rape her!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

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