Chapter 2🧡

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Lily's POV

It didn't take me long to notice that the girl was staring at me. Watching me. Her short, strawberry-blonde hair was teal at the tips, and she had a short fringe across her forehead.

Then I suddenly realised why her hazel eyes were glued to me.

Probably because I looked like a mess, and I was brushing my teeth in the school bathroom. I'm sure no sane person did that at school.

Great, I was being judged by the first person I came in contact with at school. What a good start.

I looked up at her, and cleared my throat to speak.

"I know a judgemental look when I see one," I said lightheartedly.

"Sorry, I swear I wasn't judging you. I just haven't seen you around before," She said, straight-faced.

"Oh come on, I've been judged all my life, I'm used to it. Don't tell me that you're not at all wondering why the hell this mess of a girl is brushing her teeth in the school toilets," I waved my toothbrush around to make a point.

"Okay, maybe I am a little." She said, laughing.

"But so many crazy things happen at this school, that someone brushing their teeth in the school bathrooms is pretty damn close to normal. Trust me." She smiled.

"Should I be worried?" I asked nervously.

"Not at all. Just stay away from the boys and the bitches and you'll be fine. That's where the trouble's at,"

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, shoving my toothbrush and toothpaste into my tiny backpack and fiddling nervously with my hair.

I never usually spoke much around new people. So I was surprised that the words just seemed to be falling out of my mouth so easily.

Not that it didn't give me anxiety. I had the lowest self esteem in the world, and I was scared of always being judged. Maybe that's why I was trying so hard to talk to this girl. To put on an act. I would never find any friends if I acted like myself.

And I definitely would never make any friends if they knew about my life.

"My name's Klarissa, by the way," She said, smiling.

It was a genuine, warm smile, and I decided that she was the kind of person that I wanted to befriend at school.

"My name's Lily," I said, smiling back.

"It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can hang out later?" Klarissa suggested.

My heart beat faster in happiness. She suggested hanging out later. That must mean that she wants to be my friend. I've never had a friend before.

"We definitely should," I said, still smiling at her.

"That would be nice. But now I've got to go and do assignments. School suckssss," She sang, walking out of the door.

I wished I was her, living an absolutely normal life, doing assignments, and not starting my first day of school at the age of 16. It will take a long time to catch me up. Even with the basics my mother had taught me through the years. I had her to thank that I wasn't starting school absolutely clueless.

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