It's a deal then?

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Wednesday and Thursday past by real fast. Nothing really happened, beside Louis and I texting like crazy. Lorraine made my days impossible at school as usual. Same thing same jokes same shit. 3 classes, lunch. 4 classes, walk home. NOTHING SPECIAL! Damn boring days. When I got home there was a package in the mail for me. Weird... I ran up to my room to see the pink paint fading out of the walls. All of my posters where ruined and I didn't had money to buy hundreds of magazine to get them all again.

"Al, are you going to have dinner?"

"Yeah dad, be there in a second"

I left the package in my bed and ran downstairs to have dinner. yum some attempt of pasta. In case you where wondering Miriam does not knows how to cook! Its hell everytime she cooks. HELL OK?

" I was wondering if I could bring some friends tommorow? For Lorraines party."

"No freak! She cant dad!"

"Come on Lorraine, of course you can dear. We would love to meet your friends"

"How many of them?"

"OH dont worry Miriam just a couple"

"How many Alice?" said Miriam in a cracky voice

" Uhmm let me see,1...2...3...5!"

"NOO! She cant dad! 5 freaks at my party? noo!"

"Ok.... Alice 5?"

"They are nice, I promisse Lorraine will love them"

"I will not talk to them! Neither see them!"

"Ok, we will be at my room then"

"Ok, is a deal?" my dad asked. Lorraine was seriously mad at me, but she agreed.


"Ok then. Alice just 5 ok? In your room all the time!"

"Yes dad, dont worry"

Dinner was over thanks god and Lorraine was out with Miriam looking for last minute stuffs so I called Louis.



"Can you come over?"

"Sure! be theere in a second!"


"Oh and had you look at the package?"

"No... how do you knew about .."

"Ok! dont open it till im there ok?"

"Ok... Hurry!"

I ran to my room to clean it a bit and waited for Louis. How did he knew about the package? Did he send it? Why? What was inside? I steared at the box like 10 minutes. dying to open it. Just waiting for Louis. Why didnt he hurried? Just then there was a knock in the door

"Alice, dear. Its Louis...


"Hi Love...ALICE! " he said realizing my dad was listening.

"Hey Louis, dad we will be upstairs ok? Lets go Lou"

I took Louis by the hand and ran up to my room.

"so did you liked it?"


"The package Alice!"

"You told me not to open it!"

"Well open it and tell me!"·

I looked at Louis as I grabbed the box.

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