23|The First Order

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Back on the First Order ship ...

Kylo put the lightsaber that he made for Rey away. He hid it so that no one would find it.

His new helmet was finished, it looked exactly like his old one. He put it on, then he left his room and went to find Hux and Phasma. As he walked through the halls the stormtroopers and officers stepped out of his way. No one spoke to him, so he didn't speak to them. He was surrounded by people, but yet he was still alone. Hux and Phasma would speak to him, but only because they had to. Kylo could tell they didn't really like him, he didn't really like them either. Hux could be cruel, rude and arrogant at times. He was always looking for Kylo's flaws and pointing them out to him and the Supreme Leader. And Phasma was just the same.

In truth, Rey was the closest thing to a friend he'd ever had, and she had cut his face open. He reached up to touch the scar on his face, but his gloved hand only found the metal front of his mask. Now no one could see the scar, but he could still feel it. It was a deep pain that had cut far beneath his skin. To him it felt like it had reached his heart. But he guessed that he did deserve it, and so he had forgiven her for it. That didn't mean that it didn't hurt. And worst of all he bore a painful reminder that he had been beaten by a girl with little experience. A girl who had never even wielded a lightsaber before that day. But despite Rey's lack of experience, she was strong with the Force, stronger than even she knew. And he had found it difficult to fight her then, but now he found it all most impossible. He had had more than one opportunity to kill her, but he just ... couldn't.

He looked down the hall to see BB-9E rolling down the hall towards him. When the jet black BB unit saw Kylo coming, she didn't move to avoid him, instead she continued to roll towards him.

Strange, thought Kylo. Even the droids usually avoided him.

Soon the small droid stopped to stand at his feet. The little droid looked up at him. "Beep Bop beep." (I like your new helmet) she said.

Kylo was glad he had his helmet, for it concealed the smile that now spread over his face. Sometimes in the First Order, droids were better company than people.

"Thank you," he said. Then he continued walking down the hall with BB-9E rolling along at his side.

Normally he might have shooed the little droid away, but since he and Rey had begun to have a connection through the Force he had begun to actually enjoy the company of others. At least the company of others who didn't didn't treat him like was a monster. Or worse, like he was just a weak child in a mask. It was always one or the other. Rey was the only one who didn't treat him that way. She used to treat him like he was a monster, but didn't avoid him the way everyone else did. She stood up to him, and he admired her courage for doing so. And when she saw him for who he really was, she didn't treat him like he was weak. She offered him compassion.

He looked around at the stormtroopers rushing to get out of his way. He had no one to talk to, except for Rey and she wasn't here. So he didn't mind the company of the droid.

He found Hux and Phasma in the control room.

Hux looked at him. "I see you've got that silly helmet again," he said.

Kylo glared at him inside the helmet. He pushed him against the wall with the Force. "Have you got a location on their ship?" he demanded.

"Yes," Hux replied, winded. "It seems they've gone to Naboo."

"Then, fallow them," Kylo ordered, then left the room. He didn't want to give Hux time to come up with another rude remark.

BB-9E looked at Hux. He nodded and she followed after Kylo Ren. The General had ordered BB-9E to keep an eye on Ren and report his every move to them. Ren would never suspect the little droid to be a spy. Because she was a machine he wouldn't be able to read her mind or do any silly Jedi mind tricks on her.

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