4| "How Is She?"

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Rey went into the room where Rose lay unconscious.

She knocked on the door.

"Come in," she heard Finn call.

Rey opened the door to find Finn sitting at Rose's side. He held her limp hand in his.

Rey gave one of the trays of food to Finn.

"Thank you," he said smiling. But as he looked back at Rose, his smile quickly faded.

"How is she?" Rey asked, looking at the unconscious girl.

"She has barely moved," he replied.

Rey remembered how Kylo Ren had used the Force to put her into a state of unconsciousness. She wondered if she could use the Force to make Rose regain consciousness. If she could, she didn't know how. She would have tried, but she didn't want to make things worse by doing something wrong.

If only she'd stayed with Luke a little longer. She knew how to use the Force, but there was so much that she didn't know, she was far from being a Jedi.

Rey sat down in an empty chair next to Finn and began eating. He began to eat too.

They sat together in silence for several moments as they ate their meal, not knowing what to talk about.

Finally, Finn broke the silence.

"Have you recovered from your nightmare?" Finn asked, a bit cautiously.

"Yes, thank you," she answered.

"Good. Because I was coming very close to hunting Kylo Ren down myself," he replied protectively.

Finn smiled at her, but she only looked down. She was still troubled by the nightmare. Not because it frightened her, not because it had seemed so real. But because Ben had also had it, and she could sense that it had bothered him too, but why? Why would the dream trouble him? None of it made sense.

And now, even after the nightmare, as Finn said he would hunt Kylo down, Rey found herself not wanting him to. But she couldn't understand why, shouldn't she want the galaxy to be rid of him? But perhaps she had become more like Luke than she realized, or how he had once been before he had become so broken. She'd seen light in Kylo, a glimpse of Ben Solo. She'd come to realize that no one who had even the dimmest light buried within them was without hope of returning, if they chose to do so. But that wasn't her choice, it was his. There was nothing she or anyone else could do about it, just him.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked her, noticing that she didn't reply.

"Nothing," she answered quickly. "I have to go."

She got up and left. She went to her room, she needed to be alone to think. Too much was going on and there was no one to talk to about it, no one who understood. On Ahch-To she'd longed for companionship, but now that she was back with her friends, she found herself longing for solitude more and more.

Star Wars Episode IX: Force Link ✔️ (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now