[29] Spending The Day With Colton.

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Colton's POV:

As I looked at Taylor passed out on my bed it made me wonder how much she drank, and why she was running.

I jumped when she started screaming. I didn't know what the hell was wrong so I shook her trying to get her up. She wouldn't quit screaming.

"Taylor! Taylor! Calm down, it's just a dream!" I yelled. Her breathing became heavy as she opened her eyes.

She for some unknown reason pulled me into a hug when she found out it was me. I slowly put my arms around her rocking her as she silently cried.

"Taylor are you okay?" She looked up at me. Her last nights make-up was smeared but I did change her into my cloths so she would be at least a little bit more comfortable.

"Oh my god, this is embarrassing." She said letting go of me and getting up. She started to fall but I caught her just in time before her face met the floor.

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay?" I asked her once again.

"No. My head hurts like a mother fucking bitch. I had this horrible graphic dream of me getting killed, and my stomach is killing me." She said as I sat her back down onto my bed.

"You want anything to eat?" I asked her. She nodded, "That would be delightful."

"Anything specific?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Alright, I'll be right back then."

I walked out of my room shutting the door behind me.

Thinking about last night- I was drunk, but I only remember watching Taylor run away from something that wasn't chasing her.

I walked Into the kitchen and saw my mother reading the newspaper.

"Please tell me that scream I heard wasn't because of-"

"No mom no. It's Taylor."

"You and Taylor? Honey are you using protection?" My mother embarrassingly asked. I sighed, "Mom first of all- Taylor woke up screaming from a nightmare, second of all- yes I am. And finally- I'm not nor never having this conversation with you." I said as yes I put in four pieces of pizza into the microwave. I mean it is almost lunch.

"Alright, alright." Mom said putting her hands up in surrender.

"I'll be up stairs, taking care of Taylor." That came wired coming out of my mouth but at the same time it felt right.

"Hey Colton?" Mom said stopping me. I turned back and faced her.


Mom shook her head, "I know you guys are friends, but just keep her close, you need someone like her." It feels like I just got my mothers blessing like If I wanted to marry her. But mom was right, after Monica... I needed someone like Taylor to help me, and become close again.

"I will mom... I will." I said turning back around and heading back to my room.

I thought a lot about it. Yes, I am a player. I do a lot of one night stands, but that was after Monica. But now that I have Taylor in my life maybe I shouldn't be so difficult on the girl and maybe for once show her my other side: my loving, caring, non-badass side; I do have one of those.

I walked back into the room and saw Taylor passed out again. I chuckled and put the pizza down. If she didn't wake up soon then the pizza would get cold again.

I sat down on my desk chair and looked at Taylor. She seemed so peaceful while she was sleeping.

Taylor's POV:

My bad boy.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat