[9] Babysitting

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The week went by pretty fast and it was now Friday. And I was babysitting this week for Colton's Aunt. I was now packing my suit case since I had to sleep over. Which should be interesting. There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said packing away my lap top. I'm pretty sure when ever the kids are asleep I would use it. I turned around and saw Trey leaning against the door. "What do you want?" I said annoyed. I was still mad at Trey because of what he did to me after Ryder left Monday. Since then me and Ryder have been talking on the phone every night at midnight and ending up saying goodnight around three in the morning. "Your still mad at me aren't you Taylor?" He asked still standing in the same spot. I nodded my head. "Yes Trey. You ruined our moment." I said zipping my suit case. My mom told me that Madison told her the details about babysitting today, and I was going over in a hour.

"You don't need a moment with him though Taylor. You need to stay away from Ryder." He said coming into my room and sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes. "Why should I stay away from him, Trey?" I asked putting my suit case on the floor and looking up at my brother who was wearing a red t-shirt and black basketball shorts. "I worked with him Taylor. He's done some horrible stuff. And if you get too attached to him he will hurt you. I promise you that." He said. "Look. I don't have time to hear your bullshit excuse about why I shouldn't be around Ryder because I have to go." I said wheeling my suit case out of my room. "Taylor- fine. If he hurts you I'm not going to be there to help. Im just warning you about him." Trey said. I rolled my eyes and made my way down stairs. I heard him mutter something about me but I ignored it because even though I babysat in a hour i had a hour drive to get to Colton's aunts house.

"Bye mom!" I yelled. Mom came out of her office and came towards me. "I'll text you the address. Also text me if you need anything." She said hugging me. I nodded and smiled. "Tell dad I said I love him since I won't see him for the weekend." I said. "Will do. Have fun with the kids." Mom said. I smiled and nodded again. I exited the house and made my way to my red range rover. My dad was the VIP of the phone company Verizon wireless, that's why he had so much money and that's why he got me my dream car. I put my suit case in the front seat and my phone vibrated. I opened it and saw it was the address to Colton's aunt house. I nodded and put it into my gps since I've never been there before.

I climbed in the car and started it then I was out. Treys words kept on replaying in my mind about Ryder. I also had some questions for Trey. Why did he work with Ryder? What did they do? How is Ryder so dangerous?

I knew I would never get the answers to all of my questions that were racing threw my mind, but some how I would have to get these answers because without them I will go crazy.

Before I know it I am pulling up on Colton's drive way at six thirty five. I sighed and took out my hair that was in a bun and decided to let it go down. I could usually never go so long with a bun on top of my head because my head would start to hurt so I would have to take the bun out. Getting out of my car I thought I'd just leave my suit case on the passengers seat until I needed it. I walked up to the red front door and knocked on it. Colton's aunt house was pretty. It was a two story wooden house, it kinda reminded me of a log cabin. Her front yard was freshly cut, her husband must've done that. There was a garden in front of the house. Overall the house was pretty and big and kept organized.

"Taylor! So glad your here, please come in." Colton's aunt said smiling ushering me inside. "Oh I will tell you my name. I'm Victoria, Madison's sister. My husband is Kyle and he's finishing packing our stuff right now." Victoria said. I nodded and smiled but remained silent.

"I really appreciate you doing this. Madison called me and told me that you were good with kids, so I took her offer and I'm glad I did." Victoria smiled while we walked into her kitchen. "So, Colton and the kids are out in the back swimming. I believe Colton has work at eight so he shouldn't be home till midnight at the latest. Jenna and Travis should be in bed by nine thirty. Jenna is five and Travis is seven. Hopefully they're not too big of a hassle for you." Victoria explained as she packed her purse.

My bad boy.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora