[19] Fair

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Saturday came along and it was the first night of the fair. It only was two days, but I will probably just go tonight. Logan was coming to pick me up at six thirty, and right now it was four thirty. I looked up from my book I was currently reading The Giver.

I looked over into Colton's room and saw him laying on his bed just playing or doing what ever on his phone. I guess he caught my gaze for some how because he looked up at me. A small smile was written on his face.

He doesn't want to talk to you. My head said. I gulped and continued reading my book, or at least attempt to read it. That is before I heard some tapping sound coming from my window. I sighed and looked up. There, was a shirtless Colton looking at me. Yes he is extremely attractive with those grey green eyes, his brown hair that was messily but neatly swept to the side, his nice toned stomach was amazing. I now know why every girl in the school as slept with him.

I didn't even know what I was doing until I slid my window open.

"What do you want Matthews?" I asked, actually quite annoyed. I was in a good part of that book.

"A neighbor can't be neighborly and see how his neighbor is doing?" Matthews asked. I sighed.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I said. Annoyance was written in my tone and I'm sure Colton has caught on by now that I didn't want to talk to him, not now or ever.

"Good, are you going to the fair tonight?" Colton asked. I nodded, "Yeah, with Logan." I answered him. Some type of emotion flashed in his eyes when I mentioned that I was going to the fair with Logan. Is Colton Matthews, the bad boy, jealous?

"I'm sure you're going with Ashley so I'm sure were even." I said. Colton nodded. His face went hard all of a sudden. I turned around in confusion but let out a scream because Logan frightened me. "Logan you ass!" I yelled. I heard chuckling on the other side. "Good job, Hunters." Colton said. Logan smirked and closed my window and my blinds before I could say anything.

"Not that I don't like you here, because I do. But why are you here?" Logan smiled. "I came here to see Taylor, you know where I can find her?" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah actually I do. Go down stairs and she'll be in the basement waiting for you." Logan laughed.

"No, seriously. I came to ask if you wanted to go to dinner before the fair tonight." He still seemed nervous.

I nodded and smiled "Let me get changed. I'm pretty sure you don't want to go with a girl in her pajamas and a birds nest called hair." Logan shook his head "I'd rather go out with that type of girl than a girl who is dressed up like a slut." My stomach did flips for some unknown reason. "I'll make sure to dress like a slut then." I chuckled. He laughed.


After a wonderful dinner at yes Stake n' Shake, we made our way to the fair. Sam has texted me that her and Tyler would be there in a hour. I replied back: okay see you then.

They were so planning something and I really wanted to know what they were planning, it's driving me crazy not knowing what it is.

"What's going on in that little head of yours?" Logan chuckled as we pulled up to a red stop light. "About how Sam and Tyler are totally planning something behind my back. It's driving the shit out of me." I said annoyed as the light turned green. "All I know is that it's about Colton." Logan said pulling into the parking lot of the fair that was already busy.

"I wonder why they are planning something about Colton." I thought at loud as Logan parked. Logan shrugged. After we unbuckled we climbed out of the truck and shut our doors in unison. "Ready?" Logan asked. I smiled and nodded, "Let's do this."

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