[18] Movie Night.

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It was now Friday after noon and since tonight was the football game and of coarse another party, thrown at some ones house. How they could party like that was so weird... Like every other weekend was a party at someone's house. I mean seriously, I've been too like two parties in my lifetime, I think that's enough.

I was currently curled up into a ball watching the second season of One Tree Hill. Sam watched it and finished all nine seasons, so I thought I'd give it another go. Half way threw the show my phone rang.

"Hey girly." Sam said happily into the phone. I paused the show and said hey back.

"So tonight, since you can't go to the football game, I was thinking about having a movie night with you, Logan, and Tyler." Sam suggested. I shrugged even if we were on the phone.

"I don't know, I mean I guess that would be okay." I said. I was kinda hoping for a peaceful night to my self since my parents would be working, and my brother would be at the football game and the party afterwords.

"Alright we will see you at seven." Sam hung up without letting me speak. I know Sam well enough to know that she's planning something. I just want to know what that plan is.


After showering I got out and went to grab my undergarments, as well as just a pair of dark washed short shorts, and a Blue v-neck shirt. I walked back into the bathroom and started blow drying my hair. I didn't want to look too dressed up, but I also didn't want to look bad either.

The doorbell rang as soon as I tied my side braid off. I exited my bathroom and headed down stairs. I smiled when I saw my best friends and Logan.

"Hey guys." I said hugging all three of them. I winced because my shot wound still hurt. "How are you? I heard what happened." Logan said. I smiled "I'm fine. It just still sore." Logan nodded his head. Tyler and Sam were having some secrete conversation that me and Logan weren't apart of. I wonder what they were talking about.

"You guys want me to order some pizza? Then we can start watching our first movie." I asked them as they stopped talking as soon as I spoke up. They looked at me and nodded. Seriousness was written on their faces. Like they were totally planning something. I nodded slowly and mentioned Logan to come with me. As we walked to my kitchen I asked Logan, "You know what they're talking or even planning about?" Logan shrugged. "Something about Colton. I don't know the whole story, but I know it's about him." Logan said. I just nodded and called the pizza guy.

"Guys the pizza will be here in fifty minutes!" I Called out for Sam and Tyler. I heard them aruging about something, but like I've been saying I have no idea what about. I turned to Logan and saw him playing on his phone. He looked up and ran a hand threw his blonde hair. His blue eyes pierced into mine. I felt my cheeks heat up. "So I was thinking-" Logan got cut off by Sam and Tyler walking in. I sighed.

"Lets go watch a movie."


A hour later we were all curled up on the couch watching The Purge.

"How could you guys possibly watch this?" Sam asked burring her head into my shoulder as some guy stabbed another. I liked this movie.

"It's not that bad Sam, plus it's all fake." Tyler said.

"I'm surprised we haven't had one of these yet." Logan said. If we ever did have one of these I know the first person I'd kill.

"Don't jinks it Logan." Sam hissed as the doorbell rang. I kinda jumped at the sound of it. Hey I wasn't expecting the pizza to get here so late.

I got up and grabbed the $50 off the table and walked to the door. I opened it and saw the pizza guy holding our three large pizzas. "That would be $30 please." He said. I gave him a twenty and a ten and in return he gave me the pizzas. Man that smells good! "Thanks." he smiled. I smiled and nodded. I walked back inside the house shutting the door behind me.

"Pizza!" I heard Tyler say as he came running into the kitchen. I giggled and grabbed four plates and set them out. "What do we have?" Tyler asked "Cheese, pepperoni, and half sausage and the other half with sausage, peppers and mushrooms." I said.

Tyler grabbed two cheeses, one pepperoni, and one sausage with the toppings on it. "Easy there boy, that's why I got larges." I said laughing while putting two pieces of cheese onto my plate. Sam and Logan came in and grabbed their pizza. "You guys want anything to drink?" I asked. "What do you have?" Logan asked.

"Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, sprite, milk and water." I answered as I took a bite of the cheese pizza. "I'll take a Dr. Pepper." He said. I nodded and went to the fridge to get a Dr. Pepper for Logan. "You two want anything?" I asked handing Logan his soda. He popped the tap and took a drink. Sam walked over to the fridge and grabbed herself a Mountain Dew. "How do they make pizza so good?" Tyler moaned as he took another bite.

I chuckled. "Let's go finish the movie." Logan said. Sam and Tyler left the kitchen as I was pouring my drink into a cup of ice. Logan came over to me and leaned against the counter. I smiled and payed attention to me pouring my drink.

"I have a question." Logan said. I looked at him and took a drink if my soda. "I might have a answer." I chuckled. He smiled a little.

"So Saturday, well tomorrow night is the Fair they have every five months. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." Logan kinda stuttered. Aw, Logie was nervous! Wait.... Did he just ask me out?

"I'd love to." I smiled. Logan let out a breath that he's probably been holding in for awhile.

Logan smiled and we made our way back into the living room where Tyler and Sam were watching the ending of The Purge.

"So I was thinking, since you and Logan got to pick this one, me and Sam get to pick another one after this." I suggested, I already had the perfect movie in mind.

The boys groaned but me and Sam laughed. "Fine." Tyler said.

And for the rest of the night we watched Movies. And I couldn't be any more excited about tomorrow because I knew I would have a blast with Logan.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I hope this chapter makes up for it (:

Yes Sam and Tyler are planning something but you all won't find out what it is till later on. I can't wait to write that chapter though. It's gonna be a good one.

So I believe that's it for now.

Until the next chapter,
Read, comment, and vote:)

Meg :)

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