[16] Hospital

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Taylor's POV:

I woke up and saw white. Am I in heaven?

"No silly, your in the hospital." A voice said. I sat up but winced at the pain that shot threw my arm. I freaked out so I started to pull the cords that were attached to me.

"Taylor honey, leave those alone." Is that my mom? I tried to speak but my throat was dry. Someone must've realized that because next thing I know is that I'm swallowing cold liquid. I nodded telling the person I had enough. I still couldn't tell who was talking.

I opened my eyes fully and saw my mom, dad, and brother sitting around me.

"How long was I out?" I asked them. "Almost a day in a half. If Colby didn't being you here in time you would've died." Mom said. I looked at my arm and saw that it was covered in bandages where I got shot.

Trey looked at me with Sympathetic eyes, while mom was on the verge of tears, and dad he was just staring at me with... I don't know what to say for him. He just looked uncomfortable I guess. Like he wanted to explain something but he couldn't.

"Guys I'm fine. Stop looking at me like that." I coughed out. "You're not fine Taylor! You got shot for Christ sake!" Dad almost shouted. Woah, someone was a bit moody today.

"Gregory." Mother hissed. Dad suddenly got up and left. Mom smiled a small smile before getting up chasing after dad. Then there were two.

"How'd it feel?" Trey asked. I looked at him confused. "How'd what feel?"

"Getting shot. How'd it feel?" He asked again. I chuckled "It isn't the best feeling in the world, Trey." I said. I think after crying for so long in Colby's arms I passed out after seeing how much blood I lost.

"I kinda-" the hospital door opened to find a worried Tyler and Sam. "I'll leave you three alone then." Trey said patting my arm before getting up to leave.

"Oh my god!" Sam said running up and hugging me. "Sam let go, your hurting her." Tyler said. Sam let go and said an apology.

"You okay?" Tyler asked. I nodded. "I would be peachy if I didn't get shot or beat up, but it's whatever. Oh and Sam, never invite Ryder to your house." I said. I never wanted to see Ryder again. I had a bruise on my stomach and under my right eye because of when he hit me. "Don't worry. You're staying far away from him as possible." Sam said. I nodded, "When you get outta here, it's me you and Sam. Doing what ever, understood?" Tyler chuckled as a nurse came in. I chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."

"Hi Taylor. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked. She had to be in her mid thirties, she had brunette hair that went to her shoulders, a couple freckles here and there.

She came over to me and started to do something with my shot wound. "You still are in pretty bad shape, so I'm going to have you stay here until tomorrow so you can get somewhat better before you leave." The nurse said. "Will I be able to go back to school?" I probably missed four days in total. So I probably have so much missing work in every class. Unless, my some of my teachers love me enough to excuse me from the assignment.

"Yes, next Monday." She said. Sam asked a stupid question: "Will she be able to drink anytime soon?" I heard the nurse chuckle. "Yes, she just got a shot wound, she isn't pregnant. We already ran that test on her while she was out. To see if she...." "Yeah Ryder hit me but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't rape me." I kinda defended Ryder in a way. Like I said: Just because he hit me doesn't mean he will rape me, and in happy he didn't. Then that would just bring back more memories of Andrew....

"Ryder hit you?!" Sam squeaked. I nodded "Explains why your eye is purple and there's a cut going down your left arm." She said. I sighed. I'm ready to go home. I just want my own bed!

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