5. Do You Know Who I Am?

Start from the beginning

Pedo Bear: Please text back

Pedo Bear: I'm guessing you know me

Pedo Bear: If I've been a jerk to you, I'm sorry

Pedo Bear: Really sorry

Today 3:00pm

Pedo Bear: ...

Pedo Bear: I get if you don't wanna keep talking, but can please tell me that?

Pedo Bear: Just tell me you don't wanna talk anymore

Pedo Bear: But please don't just leave me hanging like this

And the last few texts, only a few minutes ago:

Today 4:15pm

Pedo Bear: AH...

Pedo Bear: ...

Pedo Bear: Please don't leave me

How do I respond? How would Vengeance respond? Something a little sassy? Slightly cryptic? ... I'm terrible at being mysterious.

Me: Do you know the feeling of when someone close to you turns on you and hates your guts for something personal you kept hidden?

Pedo Bear: No. That's what I'm trying to avoid by staying in the closet.

Pedo Bear: Thank you, for finally replying.

Pedo Bear: I feel like I can be myself when I'm texting you.

Me: I don't really feel the same...

Me: ... Aaron

Pedo Bear: ...

Pedo Bear: Yeah

Pedo Bear: How do you know me?

Me: Same school

Pedo Bear: Grade?

Me: 10, same as you

Me: ... We've known each other since grade 5, when I moved here

Pedo Bear: Really?

Pedo Bear: Do we get along well?

Me: Not the best.

Pedo Bear: Huh. I think we could have a really good friendship.

Me: Well, we don't, Mitchell.

Pedo Bear: So why don't we try and make a good friendship?

Me: That wouldn't work with you and your jerk 'mask,' as you put it.

Me: If it really is a mask and not your real personality

Pedo Bear: ....

Pedo Bear: If you've known me since 5th grade, do you remember how I was usually this crazy, goofy kid? Mischief maker and a bit of a doofus?

Actually, I think I do remember that. He would always have this stupid grin and made dumb jokes. He was a clown. I haven't thought about that in a long time though.

Me: Yeah, I do remember

Pedo Bear: Remember it stopped around grade 7 or 8? That was when I was realizing I wasn't straight like I thought.

Pedo Bear: I tried to hide it by acting like a jerk. Someone no one would twice of for being straight, if that makes sense.

Me: It actually does make sense in a way

Pedo Bear: I've always been scared of rejection by people I care about

Pedo Bear: Hell, I don't think I'll ever get over that fear

Me: Lucky you, you haven't experienced it yet

Pedo Bear: Hang on...

Pedo Bear: You came out... And everyone left you?

Pedo Bear: Is that what happened? Why you're alone?

I hesitate. Might as well tell him, right? It'll hurt less if I'm alone again now than if I get used to texting him and he leaves later, right? I bet it'll feel a little better if I tell someone...

Me: Yeah

Me: I didn't come out to the public on my own

Pedo Bear: What happened?

Me: Promise you won't tell anyone? Even if you find out who I am, you won't tell anyone? Won't make me the talk of the school?

Pedo Bear: Never. I promise I won't tell anyone.

I take a deep breath as I start typing.

Me: I told my mom a few days after my dad left. I didn't think she would mind, but I guess she really did.

Me: Grade 8, people started assuming. When I didn't deny it, they knew it was certain. That's when the bullying started.

Me: Eventually I stopping being so... Energetic. Stopped talking to people.

Me: Stopped... Being me.

Pedo Bear: Wait...

Pedo Bear: Skye..?

Me: ...

Me: Goodbye

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