[32] Ready

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"Hyung hurry!"

Jungkook says excitedly, Kicking his feet in the paddles of the bike.

"Alright, Alright."

Jimin says with a soft smile, balancing his bike with one hand and snapping a quick picture of Jungkook.


He says unders his breath and pockets his phone to catch up to his Boyfriend. They bike for a couple of minutes and Jimin was out of breath, But very VERY happy.

Halfway through their ride back to the place where they rented their bikes, Jungkook suddenly swerves right, Jimin has no choice to follow.

"Jungkook where are we going?"

"You'll see, Hyung."

Jungkook says, Not once turning back. Jimin realizes that Jungkook's guide was the light blue ribbons tied upon the many Trees around the park, They pass by alot of people relaxing and chatting but Jungkook just continue's paddling forward.

They arrive when Jungkook suddenly presses the break and jumps off the bycicle.


Jimin screams, Squeezing his hand break in shock. He hops off with wide eyes.

"Warn me next time!"

He says accusingly to his boyfriend, Throwing his hand towel at his face. Jungkook grins sheepishly and tugs at Jimin's wrist.

"Lets go!"


Jimin questions, He was getting dragged by his boyfriend yet again.


Jungkook says, With matching jazz hands as Jimin surveys the place. The sun wasnt blazing hot it was just enough, And the wind was too. Under the shade of an oak tree was a picnic basket on a red and white checkered blanket, A red rose was placed on top of the closed basket. The tree was decorated with small circle lanterns that were unfortunately off because it wasnt night yet.

"You did this?"

Jimin asks, Gaping at the scene infront of him.

"Well i didnt actually set the place up, I just planned this. I have connections you know? Like you said, You have a rich boyfriend."

Jimin snorts, Jungkook leads him to the blanket and they both settle down comfortably infront of each other with crossed legs.

"This is... familiar."

Jimin says, Smiling when Jungkook gives him the rose. He smells it with tinted cheeks.

"Same set up right? When i asked you to be mine?"

"Sort of."

Jimin teases, Jungkook just chuckles and picks his phone out.

"Say cheese."

Jimin smiles and does a peace sign, Jungkook quickly sets it as his wallpaper and throws his phone on the blanket. He doesnt need that right now, Jimin was infront of him. Everything was fine.

"You know, I never thought that coffee would bring us together."

Jungkook suddenly says out of the blue, They were snacking on different kinds of fruits and were just enjoying the soft breeze and each others company.

"Im kind of thankful for the coffee, If it wasnt for that i wouldnt be with you right now. I know its cheesy and all but you're probably the best thing that happened to me."

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