[38] D-Day

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To say Jungkook was nervous, Was an understatement. Today. Today is the day he and Jimin will graduate. There's something about it that's hard to swallow, And there's something about graduations that make you feel giddy and sad at the same time. Perhaps maybe because you are about to surpass a huge chapter in your life and step into the depths of the cruel and unforgiving world. The future is scary, And Jimin might not be the only one scared. Jungkook gulps, Adam's apple bobbing up and down mervously. He hooks his finger on his collar and tugging on it. He felt suffocated.

He looks at himself in the mirror, He looked almost perfect. He was clad in a button up and slacks.

"Fuck. Get it together, Jeon. You're just graduating."

He says to himself, Glaring at his reflection through the mirror. Jimin was downstairs, Practicing his valedictorian speech all the while nervously pacing back and forth, While Taehyung was running around the room to calm down.

Everything felt surreal to Jungkook. He had the urge to just run away and hide from everyone. He was scared. He was pressured. He wanted to run away and shut everyone out, Even Jimin at this point. Everything was just building up.

Jungkook bit his lip and frowns. Muttering about how he's being a pussy and such. In about 2 hours from now, They'll be leaving for school. With that thought Jungkook's stomach churns, His knees felt weak. He stumbles to his bed to sit down and take deep breaths just so he can calm the fuck down.

He doesnt even hear the soft knock at his door and Jimin's head poking in the room. Because Jungkook was too busy rubbing his hands through his face in frustration.


Jimin softly says, Entering the room and closing the door. Jungkook looks up and forces a smile.


Jimin walks forward and pulls Jungkook up so he would be standing. Jimin reaches to fix the stray hair that Jungkook had failed to fix with his hair gel. His hand trails down and settles themselves into Jungkook's tie. He loosens it abit and dusts off the crumpled part of Jungkook's shirt in his shoulder.


Jungkook exhales shakily, Jimin hums looking up at Jungkook through his eye lashes.

"Im scared?"

Although Jungkook answered hesitantly and more of a question, Jimin knew better. He knew it took Jungkook a whole lot of courage and pride to voice out what he truly feels. Besides, Jungkook had always been gaurded and he grew up alone. And just the fact that he wants to talk to Jimin and tell him all his troubles and fears, Melted Jimin's heart. Jungkook trusted him.

"I know, Kooks."

Jimin says, Smiling up at his boyfriend. His arms around Jungkook's shoulders and pulls him in a secure hug.

"I am too. But dont worry alright? We'll get through this together. We can do it."

Jimin reassures softly. Jungkook sighs, Tucking his head on Jimin's neck and wrapping his arms around the boy's petite frame. The hug was enough, But Jimin's reassurance made everything feel better. Despite the fear, Jungkook manages to let a small smile break on his face.

He was fine.

As long as Jimin was here, He'll be fine.

They hear a honk of a car from Jungkook's window and Jimin grins. Pulling away from the hug and landing a chaste kiss on Jungkook's lips.

"Alright, Jeon. Let's get graduated."


"Jimin! Jungkook! Smile! Its for the yearbook!"

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