[25] Timeless

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School was torture.

Jimin was busy with alot of stuff, And he barely saw Jungkook anymore.

Clubs were asking him to join them, Projects were being assigned to him, Performances are being announced, Schoolworks were just piling up.

Jimin didnt know what to do.

Not to mention after school he has to go rushing to the coffee shop for work. It was stressful and the only stress reliever he had had also been really busy with his own problems.

He doesnt have time to see Jungkook anymore. And he was really fucking mopy about it. But that didnt stop him from finishing the tasks given to him. If not, Seeing Jungkook makes him work even harder to finish so he could just get a glimpse of his boyfriend again.

Jimin wasnt living with Jungkook anymore, Jungkook was totally against the idea at first But when Jimin told him that he didnt want to leave Hoseok alone, Jungkook understood.

Jungkook himself was really fucking busy, But unlike Jimin it took a toll on him.

You see when he was in Seoul and the two weeks he had been together with Jimin (They are together for 3 mths now and Jungkook wants to cry in glory) he momentarily forgot he was a gangster. He felt guilty leaving his gang members to fight alone, Not to mention when he get back Yugyeom was sporting a broken wrist and Jackson a bullet grazed arm.

He was angry, At himself yes. But he didnt regret his time of freedom. He forgot how to feel laid back and Jimin thought him how to relax again. He felt genuinely happy even with the short amount of time they were given.

Now speaking of gangs, Their's a commotion going on about Jungkook's gang and the gang they fought recently.

These guys were furious at them. They're going through high extents to bring Jungkook's gang down.

Kidnapping was strictly not allowed in Jungkook's 'industry' as you can call it. Having said that he was only a gangster. Not a mafia.

He does not kill.

But did this other group care? Oh hell to the fuck no they dont. They kidnapped Mark's girlfriend. And their gang mate broke his fingers from punching the wall too hard.

Right now it wasnt safe. Jungkook's sure that around his campus there are eyes. Eyes that are following their every move and its not safe. Not for him nor for Jimin to interact.

He misses him, So damn much.

He's been fidgeting on the rooftops seat since awhile ago, He was thankful because Jimin was busy but also fucking mad at this gang because he cant go see his fucking boyfriend.

Anger. This has two effects on Jungkook. Good and bad. The good one, He would be stronger and more skilled to fight. He'd pour all his anger there. The bad one, He'd become reckless. Pick fights with whoever, Become snappy and shut himself out.

"Jungkook why dont you go see him?"

Yoongi softly supplies, Jungkook winces biting his lip and squirming in his seat.

"Not safe."

Jungkooks chokes out. Why does he want to fucking cry?

But he doesnt.

Because Jeon Jungkook doesnt fucking cry.

'Kookie... listen to me. Even the strongest people crumble down okay? Its okay to cry once in awhile.'

Jimin had once said.

Well fuck. That doesnt make him feel any better.

"Jungkook its okay. Pull him into somewhere secret."

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