Untitled Part 3

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Because harry was runing at ful maximun sonic speed. I knew he was avampire! omg! I knew there was a reason why I wanted to be with Harry three and not harry #5! The only reson I even sad yes to Harry five was because he had money and was good looking too tho everyone nows that harry #3 is hotter and more famouser. also more moeney. anyways jake paul turned bac into human and i blushed my face was red like cherrys. omg! hes naked! his pants (because he wasn't wearing a shirt before only pants that were kinda ripped &cool) ripped! ahhh! I think I have a noseblead! cause even tho jake paul is stupid sometime he still has great bod. jake paul turned to mie and said "Jade i will come back i love you dont be with harry" I ws confused about wich harry but i "said ok" he smiled with fangs and licked them lookin up and down my body cause i had relly good curves in the rite places. i blushed more and gifggled. i turned and saw harry #1-5 glare at jake paul as he ran away in his super expensive gucci car cause he was also rich even tho a lot of clothes wqere gone. i think the harries were jealous but i dont know if they truly lov me. even tho harry five want to  marry me idk. harry three licked his fangs looking like he wanted blood, i wanted to help him. so i told him "he harry you can drink my blood cause i love you" 

Harry number 5 got mad!!! omg! oh my goshhhh! "harry said i thought you loved me cause u said yes to marry me" i cried im sorry harry, but i like harry then harry and harry started fighting. omg harry 5 was a demon!!!!!!!! ahh maybe i do like him???? he super hot cause i hope he take his shirt off omh! ahhhhhhh stop fighting! they ontinue to fight. aw

hope you guys like this story i worked reelly hard on it! no hate only good stuff. i think i good so no one think otherwise or else you go to hell! without ldirection! uh anyways hop[e you like/love cause i put my heart and soul in thin i hope harry 3 will notie me in real life somefay! My name Jade btw

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