Chapter 1: An accident started all

Start from the beginning

Hekapoo: What are those?

(y/n): The arms? Well... Sometimes you need more hands than you have to do your work, you know?

Hekapoo: It's a very practical invention, I'm sure many would like to have one of those!

(y/n): Thank you! I spent many hours designing them so they wouldn't get stuck or get tangled up between them.

Hekapoo: Wait! You designed those arms?

(y/n): Yep! It was a handmade work... Unfortunately this handmade work ended many times with broken arms.

That comment put a smile on Hekapoo's face and made a giggle come from her lips. Like any other idiot, (y/n) was hypnotized by the beauty. But (y/n) woke up from his trance when one of the mechanical hands slapped him in the face to show him that they had already picked up the documents. (y/n) handed the documents to Hekapoo, while the mechanical arms put the blue plans inside his backpack.

Hekapoo: Thank you!

(y/n): There is no problem, it was my fault after all.

Hekapoo: Hey, what's your name?

(y/n): I'm (y/n) Chronos, what's yours?

Hekapoo: Wait! I know you! You are Adam's son. I'm Hekapoo, It's a pleasure.

This left (y/n) completely surprised. Despite being a candidate for the high magical commission, (y/n) barely knew the members for spending most of his time in his laboratory while working on his experiments.

(y/n)(mind): She is Hekapoo?! My father told me that she was something else, but she is completely beautiful! Wait... She is talking to me again! Crap!

(y/n) shooked his head to wake up from his trance once again.

(y/n): Excuse me, what did you say?

Hekapoo: I wanted to know what were the blue plans that you have there?

(y/n): These are for...

At that moment, (y/n) remembered that he had to bring some books to his father and that now he was wasting a lot of time.

(y/n): My father is going to kill me!

Hekapoo: What?

(y/n): I'm sorry! I have to go!

(y/n) started running again to his father's office, tripping many times on the way. Hekapoo laughed a little when she saw that someone shared the same experience as her, if not worse. But before leaving, Hekapoo noticed that there was still one of (y/n)'s blue plans on the floor. Hekapoo decided to return the favor to (y/n) and she created a clone of herself to pick up the blue plan that was on the floor and gave it back to (y/n). Meanwhile, (y/n) finally arrived at his father's office completely exhausted after running like crazy. Although more than an office, the are work of (y/n)'s father was a giant library. Adam came down from the stairs that were next to the book shelves and saw his son entering the library.

 Adam came down from the stairs that were next to the book shelves and saw his son entering the library

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Hekapoo x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now