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(A/N) HI! So, you like my name for the primordial of space and reality? Ma'at is the name of the god of order in Egyptian mythology. I figured it fit.

I frowned as my ghost sense went off, a light blue vapor escaping my lips. Secilia noticed it and tightened her grip on the knife she was using, Jazz noticed it and began looking around nervously, and Aunt Amelia noticed it and immediately looked to Jack and Maddie, who hadn't noticed it at all.

"Hey, Secilia can I borrow you and your cousin?" I turned around, finding C-354 hovering there, holding a staff. "Oh, have I interrupted something?"

"GHOST!" Jack shouted, leaping up and grabbing the closest weapon.

"Guys, don't interfere, I'm testing them." Somehow, I got the feeling that most people couldn't have heard that. My suspicions were proven correct when Secilia prevented Jazz and Aunt Amelia from jumping up with a look.

"GHOST!" Maddie shouted, jumping up too.

"With all due respect, I do not believe it is appropriate to attack someone who isn't attacking you," C-354 said calmly.

"You're a ghost, you're evil," Maddie said firmly, firing the weapon in her hands. C-354 sighed in disappointment as the blast hit her in the shoulder, doing absolutely no damage whatsoever.

"I guess I'll see you around, Secilia, Danny, Jazz." She nodded to each of the teens in turn and disappeared as another blast hit her.

"How do you know that ghost?" Jack asked immediately, practically leveling his weapon at me.

Secilia made an abrupt movement, and suddenly the machine shorted out, a screwdriver embedded in its barrel. "I wouldn't suggest threatening my cousin," she said, another screwdriver prepared to throw.

"Remind me not to allow you near the throwing knives," I said, terrified.

"Eh, I prefer screwdrivers, but I do have a set of throwing knives if I need them."

"Your cousin? He's my son." Maddie frowned but set the weapon to the side when Secilia threw a screwdriver an inch from her head. I stared at the screwdriver, embedded in the door frame only an inch or two lower than the height it had been at when it went past Maddie's head.

"Excuse me if I don't give a feather." Secilia snarled, before taking the screwdriver from Jack's weapon, and leaving, tugging the screwdriver out of the frame as she walked past with frightening ease.

"I'll go get her," Aunt Amelia said, standing up and walking after Secilia.

"I'll go help," I squeaked, dashing out of the room. Jazz was probably going to leave soon as well, and I was not going to be left in the same room as Jack and Maddie.

I found Secilia and Aunt Amelia sitting on the couch in the living room. Secilia was fiddling with the screwdriver that had embedded itself into the wall, running what looked like a stone along its edge. I sat down on Secilia's other side, fiddling with my hands nervously. I really didn't want to startle her or provoke her in some way.

"Are you okay? I trust C-354 is okay, but you are another story." Secilia looked at me, slipping the screwdriver into the pocket with the other screwdrivers.

"Yeah, I'm okay, the blast didn't even come close to me."

"I'm guessing that experience has solidified your resolve?" Aunt Amelia asked softly with a glance towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, you could say that," I agreed.

"Hey, I'm back." I looked up, seeing C-354 floating there. "You are unhurt?"

"Yes, we're all fine. You wanted to see Jazz?" Aunt Amelia asked, standing up.

"Yes, I need to see all four of you. Well, Clockwork and Ma'at do."

"Okay, just let me explain our absence to Jack and Maddie." Aunt Amelia stood up, walking towards the kitchen.

"I should warn you, my sister is there. While she has chosen to assume a form that is more like mine, she is not in the best of moods, and will probably shift forms multiple times during your encounter." C-354 said as soon as Jazz and Aunt Amelia were back in the living room.

"Activate!" Secilia whisper-shouted, as C-354 opened a portal, leading us into it.

I glanced around, finding Clockwork's equivalent of a living room, couches spread in a rather haphazard fashion. A girl resembling C-354 was sitting on one of the couches, her arms folded grumpily.

"C-145, are Clockwork and Ma'at here?" C-354 asked, sitting down across from her sister.

"Yeah, they're here," she replied, glancing at us. "Secilia, Amelia, how are you? And I'm guessing this is Danny and Jazz?"

"Yes, these are my cousins," Secilia said, stepping forward. "Danny, Jazz, meet C-145."

"Please to meet you," I said, deciding to play it safe.

"Ah, Danny, Jazz, you're here." Clockwork smiled at us, and I instantly felt safer. Having the primordial of time on my side made it slightly safer in my opinion, even though Secilia had said C-145 and C-354 were more powerful than him.

"Why did you need to talk to us?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Sit, all will be explained." Was the only reply.

I quickly sat, looking at the primordial.

"Probably not all, that's not your style. Or the Observants for that matter." Secilia muttered under her breath.

I glanced at her with mild horror. Why was she speaking like that?

Clockwork merely smiled serenely.

That decided it. My cousin was nuts.

(A/N) Yeah, Secilia has little respect for authority that isn't her mom. Danny's a different story. Bye!

Secilia Cross meets Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now