Elemental Protector's base

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(A/N) By the way, they were at the Garrison house, and moved to the Elemental Protector's Med bay. This marks the end of reconstruction.

I woke up slowly, realizing I didn't recognize the room I was in. When my vision cleared properly, I realized Secilia and Aunt Amelia were sitting next to my bed, Aunt Amelia asleep, Secilia concentrating on sharpening a knife.

"Hey," I croaked.

"Morning sunshine," Secilia replied, not even looking up. "Took you long enough, Genesis passed out an hour ago."

"What?" I asked.

"The boy," she said impatiently, pointing to a boy with blood red hair sleeping on a nearby bed.

"Where am I?" I asked, suddenly remembering what had happened. I looked down at my bare chest, realized a bandage was wrapped around my stomach.

"The Elemental Protector's medical bay, they had the proper stuff to treat a second-degree burn, you'll be fine."

I blinked, glancing around. The room did not look like a medical bay, nothing was white, instead, it was mostly pale colors, with multiple flowerpots and stuff around, adding bright spots of extra color. "This doesn't look much like a medical bay."

"If it did, I'd be having a panic attack," Secilia noted, finally looking up from her sharpening, tucking the knife away. "And besides, when was white a reasonable color for somewhere that was going to be bloodied up quite often?"

I leaned over a little, finding the floor to be a similar blood red color to Genesis's hair. "And this helps how?"

"Ugh, just relax while the stuff my mom and Carbonne smeared all over your burn does its work." Secilia pulled a thing out of a larger pocket of her tool belt. "Here, eat this." She tossed it at me, the object in question landing right in my lap.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at it warily.

"Food, don't worry, Onyx made it, she's an excellent cook," Secilia said, catching my wary glances at the food.

"If you say so," I muttered, unwrapping it and finding a burger. I bit into it, and almost immediately realized that this was one of the best burgers I'd ever had, and yes, this Onyx person was an excellent cook. "Mmmm," I moaned, swallowing my bite. "Yummy."

"Ha, knew you'd like it, everyone loves Onyx's cooking. Except for Mirale, who can't actually taste, but appreciates it anyway." Secilia shrugged, pulling one out for herself and taking a large bite.

"I'm not even going to ask." I decided.

"Probably good," Secilia replied, swallowing. "I'm not sure I'd be able to explain without you thinking I'm crazy."

"Why?" I asked. "Things really can't get much crazier."

The grin Secilia gave me made me worry for my health. "Oh, you'll see."

I gave her a nervous look, and she shrugged. "You'll be fine. Probably."

"Ignore her," A girl interrupted. I looked at her, registering bright green hair and dark skin. "She's playing with you. Based on these stats I'm getting from you, you clearly aren't human."

"Half EDC actually," Secilia said, grinning maniacally.

"I'm half ghost," I said, glaring at Secilia.

"Okay, well, my name's Carbonne, and I'm the only doctor around who is still conscious." She sent meaningful looks towards Aunt Amelia and Genesis. "I wouldn't wake them up. Either way, technically you're cleared for walking around, but I'm not trusting you with her, so I'll get a different Elemental Protector to show you around the base."

"Aww come on, I'm trustworthy," Secilia said. "I'm his cousin."

"Which is precisely why I'm not letting you show him around. I'll get Flux."

"Who has a name like Flux?" I wondered.

"An Elemental," Carbonne replied.

"A what?" I asked.

"An Elemental, someone who has control over one or two specific elements. Flux is a magic and speed Elemental." Secilia said. "I'll go find her."

"What kind of elemental are you?" I asked Carbonne as Secilia left.

"Life," Carbonne replied. "Or plant, I suppose."

"And Genesis?"

"He's a CVM, or a cardiovascular manipulator. They're fancy words that mean he makes your heart rate go up and down."

I nodded. "So, that's why he can make people fall asleep?"

"Yeah, he slows down your heart rate basically forcing you into sleep. Much better then anesthetics."

"Better than anesthetics?" I asked incredulously.

"He can keep someone far enough in sleep to do surgery. And unless he falls asleep, they're gonna remain asleep. He's the one that kept you asleep while we dressed that nasty wound on your stomach."

"Where am I? And why does this place look like a children's Playhouse?" I asked, finally looking around.

"The Elemental Protector's Medbay. And Secilia decided this place would be painted cause A, she's afraid of hospitals, they cause panic attacks, and B, it's a lot easier to hide blood stains on a red carpet."

"Bloodstains?" I asked.

"Well yeah, being a superhero can get bloody. Even with a supermassive healing factor." Carbonne shrugged, nudging a slightly darker patch of carpet. "I think this one was from Gliss, I believe the injury was all the way down her leg, and she'd gotten cut sparring with Vibrania."

"You remember that stuff?" I wondered.

Carbonne nodded. "I have a map of the stains in my office, all of them labeled with what happened."

I grimaced. "Weird."

Carbonne laughed. "You haven't even met the rest of the Protectors yet. Don't decide who's weirder before meeting everyone."

I glanced nervously at her, then was interrupted by Secilia leading another girl into the medbay.

"Danny, this is Flux. She's the leader of the Elemental Protectors."

(A/N) Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of introducing in this book. Screw what I said in the very first A/N. I'm going all out. You'll most likely be meeting everything from aliens to wizards. Have fun! If you have no ability to remember characters, sorry, you probably shouldn't be reading my books then. 

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