Oh joy, my cousin has come over

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(A/N) My OC Secilia Cross is in here, she has a rather big world behind her,(In my mind) so I'll try and avoid referencing it. Anyone who's watched Voltron, read this, then move on. Anyone who hasn't, skip the next paragraph, and go straight to the description.

The Senhir are very similar to the Galra, they have their Druids that like to experiment on people and their evil commanders. Jezebeth(the head Senhir Druid) caught Secilia, and that is where most of her scars came from.

The Senhir look vaguely like raptors(the dinosaurs), but blue, fuzzy, and with kitten-like fuzzy ears. (Yes, they wear clothes, mostly just armor.) The Senhir are an evil race that are trying to take over one of the universes Secilia likes to visit. They have Druids, who are Senhir that like to experiment on people. (Cue evil laughter) They caught Secilia at one point, and that's what caused most of her 'problems' I'll leave it at that.

Okay, now, with the description out of the way, Secilia and her mom (Amelia Cross) come to Amity Park from their own universe which has been destroyed. The Fentons are unaware of their dimension traveling and consider the Cross family cousins. Danny and Secilia are around the same age, (Danny at 15, Secilia at 13) and will be going to the same school. The last time they saw each other was before Secilia's run-in with the Senhir, and Danny getting his powers. Have fun reading!

(P.S.) If you have no idea what I just said, private message me and I will be happy to explain any part of that in excruciating detail.

"Danny," Maddie Fenton called from downstairs. "The Crosses are here."

I frowned. I hadn't seen Secilia in years, and the last time she'd been here, she remained down in the laboratory. She'd been instrumental in completing the portal to the Ghost Zone, and a bunch of the ecto weapons. Hopefully, she wouldn't be caught up in the hunt for me. Or Phantom. Same difference. "Coming," I shouted back, tossing a jacket on. Knowing my cousin, she'd want to check out what my parents had been doing, and I was not going to be around if something went kaboom. Sam and Tucker were already expecting me, so why not hit two birds with one stone?

Coming into the front room, I immediately noticed Secilia was wearing gloves. She hated gloves, something about them interfering with her work. She also had gotten a toolbelt, whose purpose was unknown to me. She was fiddling with a device in her hands, the two antennae pointing straight at me.

"Hello, Danny," Aunt Amelia said, nudging Secilia when Secilia didn't say hello too.

"Hey," she said without looking up. I waved.

"Danny, why don't you take Secilia on your little playdate?" Maddie suggested.

I flushed. "It's not a playdate," I protested.

Secilia snickered slightly but was silenced by a slight kick to the legs from her mom.

"Secilia, why don't you drop your suitcase and your toolbelt off in the room," Aunt Amelia said, "then go with Danny?"

"I'm not leaving my toolbelt here," Secilia replied, tucking her device in a pocket that the device really shouldn't fit in, then pulled a screwdriver out of a pocket that the screwdriver really shouldn't fit in either.

"Secilia," Aunt Amelia sighed. "Why do you do this to me?"

Secilia shrugged, tossing the screwdriver in the air, then catching it easily.

I gaped. Since when could Secilia do that?

"Stop gaping, you look like an idiot," Secilia told me, dodging another kick from her mother, and darting up the stairs, tugging her suitcase behind her with an ease that made me wonder if it was full of feathers instead of the clothes and mechanical stuff that should be in it.

I, of course, stood there like an idiot until she came back. "Oh come on, ectoplasm for brains," she complained. "You haven't even moved."

"Secilia, be nice," Aunt Amelia scolded.

She whacked me on the side of the head; hard. "Ow!" I complained. "What was that for?"

"You haven't moved an inch, I figured you needed to be knocked back into this reality." She replied.

"Secilia, don't hit your cousin," Aunt Amelia called.

"He wasn't responding to any normal cues, force had to be used, or he'd be staring off into the distance until dinner," Secilia replied. "Meaning, he'd miss this playdate of his."

I groaned, burying my face in my hands. I was so dead. Maybe Tucker could distract her while I discussed the plan with Sam. Or the other way around. That worked too. Oh well, might as well get this over with. "Are we going?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I think you would be the one that decided that," she replied cheekily.

"Secilia," Aunt Amelia warned. "I don't know if he can handle your brand of hilariousness, let's keep the joking to a minimum."

"He's fine, I checked," Secilia replied.

"Whatever, just be safe, would you? Try and avoid being attacked for at least one day. After that, you're good."

I stared at my cousin as she replied: "sure thing mom! No death or maiming until tomorrow." She noticed me staring, and sighed. "Danny, take a picture, it'll last longer. Also, videos work too."

"Why would that be a necessary condition?" I asked, opening the door for her.

She shrugged. "A running joke."

I stared at her. Okay, now I was worried. When did people joke about maiming? Well, I suppose I made puns about it on a regular basis, but only as Phantom. I followed her out the door, then led her down the street towards the place Sam and Tucker were supposed to meet me.

"So, when did you start throwing off ecto-radiation?" She asked casually.

"What?" I asked; all my senses on red alert.

"You know, the stuff that ghost portal in the basement tosses off." She tossed a screwdriver up in the air again, catching it once it came back down. "And the stuff ghosts radiate."

"I thought the news of ghosts wasn't really out in the world," I replied as casually as I could manage.

"The internet knows everything. Except for Phantom's real name. Not even that branch of the government called the GIW. I assume you've heard of them?"

I shivered, thinking back on all the run-ins I'd had with them. "Something like that."

Secilia regarded me with a curious light in her eyes. "Y'know, Danny Phantom is a poor disguise. I'm curious how the entire world hasn't figured it out by now."

"What?" I asked, stiffening.

"Fenton and Phantom sound very similar," She continued, sneaking glances to see how I'd react.

"Indeed they do," I replied, attempting to be more casual.

"You're a terrible secret keeper," Secilia noted, throwing the screwdriver she was holding at my head. Acting purely on instinct, I reached up and caught it.

"Very impressive reflexes," Secilia noted.

(A/N) So that is the beginning of my revisions! I'm taking things a bit slower, attempting to incorporate more scenery. How'd I do compared to the OG first chapter? 

Secilia Cross meets Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now