PTSD and other problems

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(A/N) HI! Annmarie takes care of the Fantasyverse team, she's the medic.

Dinner was, awkward, to say the least. Then Secilia asked about new inventions. The most avoided question in the house. Asking Jack and Maddie what they had been working on.

"Oh, we're beginning work on a ghost tracker." Jack boasted. "It'll track Phantom by his DNA when we're done."

Secilia didn't even look nervous. I was impressed, she looked almost excited. I really hoped she wasn't actually excited for a thing that could track me.

"Wow, can I see it?" She asked innocently.

"Of course!" Jack and Maddie got up from the table, leading Secilia downstairs. She glanced back at me and Aunt Amelia, smirking.

"Should I be worried?" I asked Aunt Amelia once the thick door had closed.

She shook her head. "If you have something to worry about, I'll tell you. Why don't you go sleep, Secilia will wake you up for patrol."

I nodded, tromping upstairs and getting ready for bed.

Next thing I remembered, was my alarm going off. Not my one for patrol, the one that tells me it's time to wake up and get ready for school.

"Darn you Secilia," I muttered.

"Morning sleepy head!" Secilia said, flinging open my door.

"Geez, knock first would you?" I asked, irritated at her.

"Who put attack seaweed on your pillow, stars," Secilia said, smirking at me.

I glared at her. "You know what happened."

She pretended to look innocent, tapping her chin with one finger. "I dunno, do I? Come on sleepy head, I've been up for hours. We have school."

I continued glaring at her, getting out of bed. "I'm up, geez. Now get out."

Secilia grinned cheekily, backing out and closing the door.

I got dressed, brushing my teeth quickly. Coming downstairs for breakfast, and a bowl of cereal was waiting on the table with a note beside it. 'Eat fast, your backpack is by the door. Don't make us late.' It was in the familiar scrawl of Secilia's terrible handwriting. It was neater than last time though.

I finished quickly, grabbing my backpack on my way out the door. Secilia was waiting for me, fiddling with a screwdriver. Her backpack was probably some strange reference, it was orange and purple, and said 'Camp Half-Blood' on the orange side, and 'Camp Jupiter' on the purple side.

"Took you long enough," she said, tucking the screwdriver away with a devious look that had me worried. "Race you?"

"Um, sure," I said, figuring she wasn't gonna beat me. I had ghost hunting every night.

She smirked at me, darting away before I could blink. I raced after her but failed miserably to beat her, arriving at the school a good minute or so after her.

"You're slow," She decided, opening the doors, and prancing right on in. She quickly disappeared into the crowd of students, while I waited for Sam and Tucker. Once they caught up to me, we slid into homeroom, not late for once.

"Mr. Fenton, you aren't late I see." Mr. Lancer said. "Okay, class, we have a new student. She's Danny's cousin. Secilia, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Secilia smirked, standing up. "My name's Secilia Cross, I'm from Denver, and I'm 13."

I heard Dash mutter, "shortie, easy pickings." and inwardly snickered. Yeah, he was doomed. Even before, she hadn't liked bullies.

Secilia sat back down, and class proceeded as usual. Boring. Secilia was in all my classes, so she pretty much just followed me around the entire day. For some reason, throughout the day, a white streak began to appear. She usually had black streaks in her hair, but the white one seemed to put itself in. By the end of the day, it was pronounced enough that my last period teacher commented on it.

At the end of the day, Secilia dashed home, disappearing into her room for hours. When she did appear, she was paler than usual, and somehow ended up with a green streak in her hair in addition to the white and black.

"Hey, cuz, you okay?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah, fine," she mumbled, waving me off in favor of going into the guest room that housed her mother. "If you listen in on this conversation, you're dead." She smiled frostily, and at that moment I decided that it was a good idea to get out of the house as fast as possible. I quickly checked to make sure there was no one around, then ran out, phasing through the wall, transforming into Phantom midway out of the wall.

(A/N) Secilia's POV, Danny's not messing with his coz.

Secilia entered her mother's room, her head pounding.

"What's wrong?" Secilia's mom asked.

"I've got a migraine," Secilia grunted. "Well, it was a migraine, Annmarie helped with that."

"You good for now?"

"Yeah," Secilia plopped down on her mother's bed. "Do you think I should tell him?"

"About the PTSD?"

"Yeah, and the reasons behind it."

"Do you really want to burden him with that?" Amelia sat down on the bed next to her daughter.

"I think he can handle it," Secilia noted dryly. "After all he's been through, I'm just surprised he doesn't have PTSD himself."

"I suppose you're correct," Amelia mused. "So were you..."

Secilia didn't hear the rest of what her mother said, her mind flashing back to a time right after the Senhir.

Secilia came downstairs, spotting Annmarie sitting on the ground, gently running her fingers through an unconscious Logan's hair. She put a finger to her lips, and Secilia nodded. She tiptoed into the kitchen, wincing when her prosthetic arm scraped against the wall. Annmarie glared at her for a moment when Logan stirred, but apparently, it wasn't enough to wake him, and he settled down.

Secilia made it to the kitchen without any other incidents and spotted Onyx sitting at the counter, staring dejectedly at the bowl of dough she was stirring. "Hey," Secilia said quietly.

"Hey," Onyx replied still stirring the dough.

"You doing okay?"

"No, of course, I'm not, Vanessa's dead." Onyx burst out. She pushed the bowl to the side, placing her head down on the counter and beginning to sob.

Secilia bit her lip, tears beginning to run down her face too. "We all lost her, we all feel that pain."

"I know, but still," Onyx looked up, tears staining her cheeks.

"It's a burden we all share," Secilia said, sitting down next to Onyx and placing an arm around her shoulders. "A burden we all have to live with."

"Secilia, she's gone, and she's not coming back!" Onyx began to sob again, fresh tears running down her face.

"Yeah, I know," Secilia stifled a sob of her own, trying to be strong for both their sakes.

"Secilia, Secilia!" Her mom was shouting, shaking her. Secilia snapped out of her trance, reaching up to touch the tears on her face. She brushed them away, leaning into her mother and rubbing her right arm.

"Is everything alright? We heard shouting." Jack and Maddie burst through the door, spotting Secilia and her mother on the bed. "Oh no, did something happen?" Maddie immediately rushed to try and comfort Secilia while Jack fidgeted nervously. He had no idea what to do with all the emotions in the room, so he left.

"No, no, I'm okay," Secilia said, standing up abruptly. "I'm just going to go to my room." She left quickly, almost dashing across the hall to her own bedroom.

(A/N) And we're done here. Bye!

Secilia Cross meets Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now