Oh, Dear, That is a Lot of Blood

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(A/N) I'm back!

"What do you mean by I'm a terrible secret keeper?" I wondered, trying to keep the nervous quiver out of my voice.

"I'll tell you later," Secilia said, snatching her screwdriver back from me.

"Something tells me you'll forget," I replied, suspicious.

"I have a photographic memory Danny, I can't forget anything."

"You still forget things sometimes."

"No, I don't forget them, there are just more important things to be done."

"And those more important things take precedence over letting me know you're alive?" I was fuming now, and I could tell she was too. I was suddenly glad no one was around, cause we had reached the park where Sam and Tucker were supposed to meet me.

"Well, I'm sorry if a good friend dying can take precedence over letting someone who I'm not technically related to and who literally lives in another dimension know I'm alive." Secilia snarled. "And I'm sorry that I was foolish to think that me being captured by evil aliens and tortured is more important than you."

I took a step back. She remained glaring at me for a moment longer, then looked away. "Well, I'm sorry I couldn't be a better cousin." She turned and ran off, evading my attempt to grab her arm.

"Well, you screwed that up," Sam noted, watching Secilia disappear around a corner.

I groaned. "Don't remind me."

"You need to go after her," Sam continued. "It's your fault, fix it."

"If I know Secilia, it's better to let her cool down before I try anything. Trust me, an entire week of Secilia pretending I wasn't there was the result of me trying to talk to her before she was ready. I'm not risking that."

(Secilia's POV, third person)

Secilia darted into the maze of streets, barely watching where she was going. She'd taken care to memorize maps of this town the first time they'd visited, many years ago. She'd never really used the maps stored in her brain, but they were there, waiting. People barely spared a glance as she raced by, use too much stranger things.

She finally stopped in an alley she knew wasn't commonly used for anything, because it was partially fenced off. Of course, the fence didn't prove an issue for Secilia, because with her suit, she can fly.

Of course, she was greeted, not two seconds later, by some weird thing in a suit.

"Where is the ghost child?" it roared. Secilia frowned.

"Can I like, not be attacked the first day I arrived in a new place? Like, seriously, everyone decides that 'oh, hey, that new girl seems like a good person to attack'." Secilia paced in a circle as she ranted, secretly prepping the nanites to form her suit.

"Apologies if you must, but I thought you were the ghost child, you have the same signature," the creature said.

Secilia snorted. "And you give off the readings too, what stops your equipment from tracking you?"

It opened it's mouth a few times, then shut it firmly.

"And who might you be?" Secilia asked, just distracting him now.

"I have decided you will be in my collection," it replied.

"Yeah, no thanks," Secilia replied, her suit forming around her as she swung a punch. Her punch connected, sending it flying into a wall. "Oh, did you have a name?"

"Skulker, the greatest hunter to ever live! Your pelt will have the honor of gracing my wall!"

"I'm good, thanks," Secilia said. "Honestly, I would rather you just like, buzz off."

"Not a chance, whelp." He replied.

Secilia smirked. "How about I just leave, and you can find your prey, who, I'm sure, can handle you much better then I can."

He fired a blaster, nearly hitting her. She fired back, successfully landing a hit, but it barely affected him.

"Let's see how throwing you through a wall will go!" Skulker yelled, charging forward, and, true to his word, throwing Secilia through a wall or two.

"Thanks, I definitely needed a fractured leg," Secilia groaned, getting up from the rubble. She didn't seem to hurt, but parts of her armor had disappeared, the nanites either destroyed or lost in the fight. "Any other stupid decisions?"

Skulker didn't reply, only picking her up and throwing her at another wall, shattering the window she landed on. Shards of glass stuck in her skin, some staying in, others just slicing deep gashes. He picked her limp body up, flying into the sky, going invisible along the way.

(Danny's POV, First person)

Sam, Tucker, and I did manage to talk about everything we needed too, but just as we were getting ready to leave for Nasty Burger, my ghost sense went off. No one was around, so I transformed right there. Skulker flew up, tossing a body at my feet.

"Enjoy, whelp. I will have your pelt on the wall."

I snarled, flying at him. It didn't matter who the body was, I was not going to let Skulker get away with hurting an innocent person. I quickly dispatched him, sucking the tiny blob of a ghost that Skulker was underneath the armor, into a Fenton Thermos.

"Danny!" Sam yelled. I looked down, and realized, the body was Secilia!

"Is she okay?" I asked frantically.

"She's barely conscious but alive. We have to get to your house, or to my house to stitch her up."

"I don't think we can help, she needs a hospital," I replied, picking her up gently.

At this, Secilia stirred, a slightly panicked look crossing her face. "No, no hospitals, mom, mom can help."

I looked at Sam, then realized Tucker was nowhere to be seen.

"I guess we take her to her mother. Go invisible, I'll get there as soon as I find Tucker. He ran off with a rather queasy look." Sam ordered.

I glanced at Secilia, then nodded, turning invisible and flying at top speed. Secilia hardly moved the entire trip, the most she did, was groan a little when I phased straight through the roof, ending up in the living room. Aunt Amelia was there, with my parents nowhere to be seen.

She jumped up, immediately directing me to lay Secilia down on a table. "What happened?" She asked quickly. "Secilia, I need to know how much blood you've lost. And if there are any other injuries."

Secilia moaned a little but spoke. "Almost two liters of blood and a fractured right leg."

Aunt Amelia nodded, turning to me. "I have a med kit in my bag. Put your hand in the bag and think of a med kit. It'll come to you. Grab it, and bring it to me."

I raced upstairs, grabbing the med kit from her bag, which was weird in and of itself, and raced downstairs.

"Will she be okay?" I asked as soon as I gave my Aunt the med kit.

"Most likely, she's gonna need a blood transfusion though."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Because I'm going to need you to give the blood."

(A/N) Muhaaaaa! You should know a little of what's going to happen if you remember anything about my previous draft of this, but cliffhangers are always fun! Bye!

Secilia Cross meets Danny PhantomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin