Secilia's awake! (and alive!)

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(A/N) And here we go, another update! Also, Carbonne is a life elemental, she handles most injuries in her world, she is the friend helping Secilia recover. Impulse is an AI Secilia made, she runs the base of the Elemental Protectors, the group that Carbonne works with. (This isn't the universe with the Senhir.) I forgot to inform you about Emma, so here that is: Emma and her twin Colyn are part of the universe with the Senhir. They are aliens but can look human. Onyx is a different kind of alien, she has wings and can fly. I hope I got everyone, If I missed explaining someone, tell me in the comments.

"You want me to what now?" I asked, not quite believing what I'd heard.

"Secilia needs a blood transfusion," Aunt Amelia said slowly, pulling a needle and tubing out of the kit.

"Can't you do it? You're her mother,"

"You need to be the one to do it because you hold magic from this earth inside you, Secilia is still adapting, and it's slowing her healing down. Your blood will help her adapt faster, so she can be back up to her usual healing rate." Aunt Amelia explained.

I glanced at Secilia, who'd passed out. "Fine, what do you need me to do?"

"You aren't afraid of needles, right?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Give me your arm, I would suggest looking away" I gave her my arm but didn't look away. "When I tell you, clench your fist." She slid the needle into my skin, right into one of my arteries. "Now."

I clenched my fist, and dark blood went into the tube and into the bag, which she quickly connected to Secilia's arm, by way of a needle.

I began feeling woozy, the loss of blood making the room spin.

"That's all I need from you Danny, why don't you go sit down and recover," Aunt Amelia suggested, steering me to a couch after patching up the hole she'd made with the needle.

I sat on the couch, trying to make the world stop spinning. It took me until Aunt Amelia had patched up Secilia, moved her upstairs and onto a proper bed instead of the table, and cleaned up the blood.

Jack and Maddie came up only a few minutes after Aunt Amelia had finished cleaning up, and I was on my feet again.

"Danny, my boy!" Jack exclaimed. "Where's Secilia?"

"Taking a nap," I replied, figuring that although she wasn't taking a voluntary nap, she was seeping nonetheless. "Sorry to disappoint you, Jack." Of course, Jack didn't even notice I'd used his real name, instead of 'Dad'. Aunt Amelia did, however, and gave me a look that said 'we'll talk about this later'. I gulped, fearing what would happen if I told her the reason for me calling my parents by their actual names. Truth was, I didn't respect them anymore. They tried vivisecting me and succeeded. I ended up with a 'Y' shaped scar that covered my entire chest. It'd been stitched together badly and became infected at one point. I'd had to go to Frostbite to get it healed.

"Danny, why don't you go wake up Secilia? I'll start dinner." She gave me another look, this one probably meaning 'get out of my way, I'll fix this'.

I nodded, darting up the stairs.

Reaching Secilia's room, I noticed a green glow coming from underneath the door. I knocked, and a voice that definitely wasn't my cousin's told me to come in.

"Who are you and why are you glowing?" I asked, opening the door to reveal a girl with green hair and dark brown skin. She was the thing producing the green light apparently because nothing else in the room was glowing.

"My name is Carbonne, and I'm helping Secilia heal," she said, glancing at me. I frowned, finding one of the smaller scrapes Secilia had gotten, and sure enough, it was definitely smaller than when I'd last seen it.

"And where are you from?" I asked.

"Where's Secilia from?" She returned.

"Um, Denver?"

"I'm from somewhere else, some other city around here," she decided.

On the bed, Secilia moaned, stirring slightly. "Ugh, where'd the stupid ghost go?"

"That's what you're worried about?" Carbonne asked. "Not the fact that you literally just had a blood transfusion and you're awake?"

"I'm fine now," Secilia replied. "How long have I been out?"

I shrugged when the two girls looked at me. "I was woozy as heck for most of the time, I don't know."

"Why were you woozy?" Secilia asked suspiciously.

"I gave you the blood transfusion?" I said, backing up slowly as Secilia glared at me.

"Your mother suggested it," Carbonne said, intervening. "She figured it would help your body adapt faster, and she was correct. You're up to your normal healing rate."

"He is half ghost, who knows what my body will do with that," Secilia protested.

"He doesn't even know, I think it's time to tell him." Carbonne insisted.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," I broke in.

"Well, excuse me if I'm trying to have a conversation," Secilia snapped.

"Secilia," Carbonne warned. "It was a good idea, don't beat up on your cousin for saving you. You'd lost a lot of blood."

"I know I lost a lot of blood!" Secilia shouted. "I have a photographic memory, remember? I'm just worried."

"Is everything okay in here?" Aunt Amelia asked, poking her head in the door. "I heard shouting."

"It's fine." Secilia said, looking away.

"You can go back to your place now Carbonne," Aunt Amelia said tiredly. "Thank you."

Carbonne smiled. "Secilia, you aren't in any immediate danger, stop freaking out."

"Come on Danny, Secilia's awake now, why don't you help me finish dinner up?"

I glanced at Carbonne, who still hadn't moved. "She's not leaving till I do, right?"

"Nope," Secilia replied.

I sighed. "Not telling me anything?"

Secilia shook her head. "Probably not for a while. You'll have to wait until at least tonight. I'm assuming you have a specific patrol time?"

"Yeah, midnight to one, sleeping before and after if I can."

"Do you get any sleep?" Aunt Amelia asked, throwing her hands in the air.

"Not really," I replied. I scampered out the door, simply phasing through Aunt Amelia when she tried to grab me for more questioning, and darted downstairs.

Right as I arrived downstairs, a timer went off. Aunt Amelia hurried down the stairs, grabbing a pair of oven mitts, and taking the dish out of the oven.

(A/N) This seems like a good place to stop. Bye! 

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