Chapter 5

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Jake took awhile to answer, urging his inner caveman back into his cave. He hated the fact that Suzy had abruptly pulled away from him. Her blue eyes were wide and her cheeks were still flushed with his kisses.

Mine! Jake ignored the roaring and shook his head. This was ridiculous. He knew better than to paw a girl so soon.

"Well, are you?" Suzy repeated the question. She looked scared. Did he look scary?

"Umm...A cop? Yes, madam, you're looking at Sergeant Jake Larson of the one-o-fourth precinct." His pride in his work showed as he puffed up his chest. Teddy had always said it was easy to impress girls when in uniform.

But instead of looking impressed, Suzy just looked depressed. She just muttered an "Oh" and started looking out of the window.

What the hell?

"Suze?" He inquired gently.

"Uh-huh." She was still staring out the damn window. The limo came to a halt at a red light. Jake followed her gaze. And let out a muttered curse.

"Tony, do you mind pulling over?" His driver immediately compiled. Teddy was the one who had recommended the services of Tony and his limousine services.

"Wh-what's wrong?" Suzy was frowning.

"Sorry, give me a minute," Jake slid past her, stepped out of the limo and jogged to the hunched figure on the intersection of the street and a filthy alley.

The figure didn't even flinch, but Jake knew that he wasn't just sleeping. "Carlos, come on, you're in the middle of the fucking street."

The eyes that met him were glassy and bloodshot. It took a while for his gaze to focus on Jake. Carlos's lined face broke into an evil grin that showed his black and crooked teeth. "What's up, Officer?"

Jake frowned. He had arrested this asshole just last week. He had bailed himself out and was back to his tricks. Right in the middle of the street! A street which was only two blocks away from a high school. Though it was past ten and people in New York were giving the addict a wide berth, Jake felt his temper rise. His date with Suzy was now shot, thanks to Carlos getting his grubby hands on the stuff again. "Who keeps selling to a bum like you?" Jake let out a deep breath. "Ok, you're coming with me."

"No." For all his stupor, Carlos dug his hand into his trench coat. Before he could manage to pull out anything, Jake had landed him a blinder and had him pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back.

People around them gasped and he pulled out his badge from his wallet with one hand. "NYPD, folks, let's keep moving."

People threw him panicked glances but thankfully they didn't crowd him. Thank you for New York!

"Jeez man, I was ju-just pulling out my pipe." Carlos sounded belligerent. Though his records indicated he was thirty-eight, Carlos had the face and the figure of a seventy-year-old man. He was homeless and abusing drugs for a long time. He had confessed that he had dabbled in various drug confections over the years. His chosen drug of choice this time was meth.

Jake quickly scanned Carlos's pockets and once he found him unarmed, dialed for back-up. He made Carlos stand up with his back to the wall. The entire thing took ten minutes.

"Jake?" Bloody hell! Suzy was here?

"Get back to the car," he snapped without looking at her. What the hell was she doing stepping out of the limo in the first place?

"Th-there's someone across the street." Jake's nostrils flared as his gaze flipped on the opposite street. Three young men were watching him. As his gaze landed on them, they immediately turned tail and beat it. He could barely discern a tattoo on their nape.

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