omg someone want to marry me? sex?

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the evil orpagne lady slapped mei. i cried inside she told me i was geting adopted. i pushed my golden locks out of my face and into a messy bun. i wondered who was adoptin mey. i look down the stares with my blue orbs and saw… ONE DIRECTION. harry #3 winked at me. he told me he was a vampire. what? harry #5 asked me to Marry him. i kinda didn’t like him but i sad yes. Even tho I agreed to mari Harry #5 I am still planing on geting with Harry #3. i told the evil organgehe woman i hated her all along. She cried this time. Harry #1-5 high fived me. We got to there amazing fancy mansion. Jake paul was there? “Jake paul hi i said” Jake fouhgt with Harry for me. Omg guys stop fighting over me. Harry 3 the vamp ran Full maximum Sonic Speed.

Wait till next chapter to see wat hapens! Thx four all the reads and votes. So amny!

(One Direction & Jake Paul) Vampire and Werewolf Slave!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora